Today it is possible to officially close a company with debts only with the help of a long and exhausting bankruptcy procedure. This is the only legal way to liquidate an insolvent enterprise today. But there are other, alternative options, how to close the LLC with debts.

It is necessary
application for the commencement of bankruptcy proceedings all company documents
Step 1
In order to officially liquidate an LLC with debts, go through the complex bankruptcy procedure of the organization. To do this, apply for bankruptcy to the arbitration court. The process itself will take about six months, but you will leave the business "with a clear conscience."
Step 2
If you choose an alternative option for liquidating a Limited Liability Company, then you should be aware that there are several types of them. The first, the simplest and fastest, option for closing a company is to replace the General Director and members of the company. In this case, all responsibility for the debt is transferred to the new management. You will need to sell shares of the authorized capital to other founders. In terms of time, it will take a maximum of a month.
Step 3
The second option for liquidating an LLC with debts is the reorganization of the company. You will need to put all the documents of the organization in order. This will take a fair amount of time. The reorganization can take the form of a merger and in the form of a takeover with another firm. Legally, the LLC ceases to exist and becomes part of another company. Typically, this other facility is located in a different region. This avoids unnecessary publicity on the part of the “native” media, which can agitate your creditors and others to whom you are in debt.