Heads of organizations can at any time close a current account in one bank and open in another. This procedure does not take much time, but in order to carry it out, you will have to fill out some documents.

Step 1
First of all, you need to formulate the reason that prompted you to take these actions. This can be re-registration of an enterprise, liquidation of an organization or dissatisfaction with the bank's service.
Step 2
If your organization has several founders, the issue of closing the current account is decided at the meeting of shareholders (members) of the Company. The decision is made in the form of a protocol.
Step 3
Contact your servicing bank. Tell us about your intentions and ask for an application and a sample to fill it out. Please note that the document must be filled out by the employee who has the right of first signature (manager). Here you need to indicate the agreement number, bank details and the reason for closing the account. If you have a checkbook, indicate on your application that it is refundable and list the numbers of the unused checks.
Step 4
If there is a certain amount on your current account, transfer it to another current account or withdraw it using a checkbook. In the first case, you need to issue a payment order, in the purpose of payment indicate: "Transfer of your own funds" (the amount must be indicated without VAT).
Step 5
Then take the application, payment order and checkbook to the bank. From this moment, the account closure procedure will be launched. Be sure to ask about the timing of the transaction, because you will need to notify various authorities about closing the account.
Step 6
After you receive the notification, fill out a message on closing the current account (form No. С-09-1). Submit it to the tax office within 7 days after the end of the procedure. Also notify about the closure of the FSS account and the FIU. To do this, you can use the above form, or you can apply for a form to the authorities. Make up all forms in duplicate, since one should remain in your hands with the mark of the corresponding organ.