A limited liability company can be liquidated voluntarily in accordance with the procedure established by the decision of its founders (participants). If you are one of the founders of an LLC, you are solely responsible for liquidation. Liquidation is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law "On Limited Liability Companies".

Step 1
If you are one of the founders of an LLC, the decision on liquidation is made solely. Appoint a liquidator or a commission that will deal with the liquidation of your LLC, notify the registration authority at the place of registration of the legal entity about its creation using the R15002 form. Also, you need to notify the tax office of the decision on liquidation within 3 days. You must send to the registering (tax) authority a "Notice of the decision to liquidate a legal entity" in the form R15001.
Step 2
After you appoint the liquidation commission, it will take over all the powers to manage the affairs of your legal entity. Based on the notice of liquidation, the tax authority makes changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and issues a certificate in the form of P50003 and an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, which indicates that the LLC is in the process of liquidation. From this moment it will be impossible to register any changes in the constituent documents.
Step 3
The commission will take measures to identify the creditors of your LLC, notify them in writing of liquidation. After the period for filing claims by creditors has ended, an interim liquidation balance sheet will be drawn up, which contains information about the property of your LLC and the claims of creditors, the liquidation commission also notifies the registration authority about its preparation (clause 3 of article 20 of Law N 129-FZ) on form Р15003. The drawn up balance sheet must be approved by you, as the sole participant of the LLC.
Step 4
After all settlements with creditors have been made, the property of the legal entity will be transferred to you as the only participant in the LLC. After the approval of the final version of the liquidation balance sheet, documents for state registration of the liquidation of a legal entity are submitted to the tax authority: an application in the R16001 form, a liquidation balance sheet, a receipt for payment of a fee in the amount of 400 rubles, a certificate from the Pension Fund on the provision of information on contributions.