How To Quickly Find The Right Amount Of Money Without Leaving Home

How To Quickly Find The Right Amount Of Money Without Leaving Home
How To Quickly Find The Right Amount Of Money Without Leaving Home

There are situations when a certain amount of money is urgently needed. A sudden invitation to a wedding or a friend's birthday, a toothache, an urgent need to go to a doctor, a car broke down, or you just really want to buy something - the reasons may be completely different.

Money at home
Money at home

If you don't have enough money for something, you can always borrow it from relatives, acquaintances or friends. But how do you not want to humiliate yourself, and then also accept hints about the return of the debt. Better still find another way.

Another option is online loans. But, as a rule, there are high interest rates for the use of money. I took 10,000 rubles, but I have to pay 15,000 rubles. Although you can search the sites of microfinance organizations that give the first loan without interest. But keep in mind that you still have to give it away.

How to see money at home?

The easiest and fastest way is to sell what you don't need. There is no such house where there would be no things or objects that a person does not use, and they collect dust for many years in cabinets and on shelves. It's a pity to throw it away, but to sell it?

In order to find such items, you need to carefully examine your home. Meter by meter. Exactly. Divide the room in the apartment into squares and explore every centimeter. It's not a joke. Perhaps there are earrings, a pendant, a ring in the corner or even under the baseboard. Anything can be.

You need to search on the basis of "I haven't used it for a long time or at all" or "I'll wear it someday." Put each item you find on the table, where everything you find will be.


Remember the gifts that were given to you, but you never used them in business.

Inspect everything you find. Set aside your belongings in perfect condition. Do not take away the chance from those items that, as you think, definitely won't sell. Even if they have something damaged, they can also be sold, just a little cheaper.

The main thing is to adjust your view to actually see what you can sell to people. Let someone use these things, because they were created for this. And energy will be released in the house.

Now you need to place ads for the sale. Check out a couple of message boards, the local city forum, and social media.

Preparation for sale

Now every item needs to be cleaned, photographed, well described, priced and posted online.


Selling through message boards

Enter the phrase "bulletin board" in the search engine. Choose 2-5 boards, register on them and post ads. Don't forget to attach photos.

Selling through forums

Find a forum in your city. So enter in the search, for example, "Forum St. Petersburg". Register and look for sections with the words "sell", "buy".

In the "Sell" section, post your ad, and in the "Buy" section, see if someone is looking for what you are selling.

Selling on social media

There are several options here. You can place all things on your page, you can search for groups in your city and place them there.

Try to find the required amount in this useful way. And things will no longer gather dust, but they will bring pleasure to someone, and the house will become cleaner. And most importantly, in this way it will be possible to get from 2 to 10 thousand rubles without leaving home.
