How To Start Your Own Construction Business

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How To Start Your Own Construction Business
How To Start Your Own Construction Business

Video: How To Start Your Own Construction Business

Video: How To Start Your Own Construction Business
Video: How To Start a Contracting Business and Have Success Immediately 2024, October

At all times, repair and construction work was in demand, because new housing is being built every day, and the old one requires renovation and repair over the years. Thus, construction work and construction organizations, repair workers are always needed and important. If you correctly and competently organize a construction business in our time, you can have a good profit, which many businessmen will envy.

How to start your own construction business
How to start your own construction business


Step 1

Find out which enterprises (organizations, firms) in your city (region, locality) are engaged in construction and repair work, analyze their activities, because they will be the main competition for you.

Step 2

Find out the prices of existing construction and repair organizations, your identified competitors. If the competition is strong, it is enough to choose several large firms that have been engaged in similar activities for many years and a few little-known ones that have been present on the construction market not so long ago.

Step 3

Write an application for opening an individual entrepreneur, JSC, etc. to local authorities. Wait for the receipt of documents confirming the name of the organization and permission to engage, in our case, construction and repair work (certificate of state registration).

Step 4

Register your company with your local tax office. Order a seal for your construction company. Register with social security and insurance authorities.

Step 5

Rent an office space where your future clients will contact for advice or ordering work.

Step 6

Create a promotional text about your company. Place advertisements in the media, post ads, order a special e-mail newsletter to potential consumers.

Step 7

Hire the necessary construction and finishing workers for the company. In doing so, take into account the length of service in the industry and recommendations from previous jobs. Job interviews are best done on your own. At the same time, while the company is still young, it is not necessary to hire employees on a permanent basis, you can conclude short-term employment contracts with them and pay wages depending on the work performed.

Step 8

Hire a surveyor. This person will be very useful to you. He will go to the site and make all the calculations for repair and construction work, which will subsequently be provided by your company.

Step 9

When the first order appears, start purchasing the equipment necessary for the work. Buy only the essentials and only for the incoming order. It is not worth squandering money, the tool must be bought as needed, since now there is no shortage in the construction market and everything can be purchased in a matter of minutes.

Step 10

Think over the text of the contract that you will conclude with the customer. Examples of contracts can be found on the Internet. In the contract, be sure to write down the clause stating the prepayment of 50%. It is these funds that you will direct to the transport costs of specialists and the purchase of tools. In addition, the contract must specify the rights and obligations of the parties, the timing of the execution and acceptance of work and other important details.

Step 11

If you do not understand how to correctly draw up such a contract, you can contact a specialist, and after drawing up the first form, on principle and similarity, changing the information about the customer, conclude contracts with other clients.
