How To Protect Yourself From The Attacks Of Collectors

How To Protect Yourself From The Attacks Of Collectors
How To Protect Yourself From The Attacks Of Collectors

The situation when we took out a loan from a bank, but could not repay it during it, is quite common. Almost always, in this case, banks involve collection agencies in order to "reach out" to debtors. Only now collectors often violate laws and exceed their powers, putting strong moral and psychological pressure on debtors, disrupting their peace. How to protect yourself from illegal actions of collectors?

How to protect yourself from the attacks of collectors
How to protect yourself from the attacks of collectors

To protect yourself from the attacks of collectors, or at least feel more or less confident when dealing with them, you should know a few important points that ordinary people often overlook. The first and important point is that collectors work with banks mainly under an agency agreement. It gives them the right to communicate with the debtor by phone only on weekdays, no earlier than 7 am and no later than 10 pm. But this agreement does not transfer all rights to debt.

Collectors can visit the debtor at his place of residence, but the debtor is not obliged to let him into his apartment and is not even obliged to open the door. No one has the right to enter a person's home without a court decision. It is inviolable! Collectors, as a rule, do not have such a solution. This means that only the debtor decides to communicate or not, to allow agency employees to enter the home or not.

Do not take seriously threatening SMS messages and calls with the demand to immediately pay off the debt and with threats that employees will go to the debtor's home to describe the property. Only bailiffs have the right to seize and describe the debtor's property to pay off the debt. And only by court order! Collectors use these techniques to intimidate people, moral and psychological pressure.

In cases where the collectors persistently call not only the debtor, but also his relatives, colleagues, friends, threaten, rude and behave incorrectly, then it is worth contacting the law enforcement agencies with a written statement that threats are coming and extorting money. And it is also worth getting printouts of incoming calls to phones and submitting a written application to Rospotrebnadzor and Roskomnadzor with a request to check for illegal calls and threats to unauthorized persons not related to the debtor's debt.

If the collectors behave culturally and are not rude, communicate calmly and are inclined to help in a difficult financial situation, then you can maintain a dialogue by phone. But first, you should ask for the full name of the agency employee, the full name of the collection agency and the number of the agency agreement with the bank, on the basis of which the collector works. If an employee of a collection agency comes home, then you should first of all request his ID and agency agreement.

The main thing is to always remain calm, feel confident and not lose self-control. In this case, the specific techniques of the collectors "intimidate", "slap" and "knock out" will not work. And you need to remember that the Criminal Code is always on your side.
