What Are The Benefits Of Large Families Other Than Communal

What Are The Benefits Of Large Families Other Than Communal
What Are The Benefits Of Large Families Other Than Communal

Various forms of support for large families are being implemented in Russia. One of the important components is various benefits that are not limited to a discount for utility bills.

What are the benefits of large families other than communal
What are the benefits of large families other than communal

Federal benefits for large families

A large family is recognized as a family with three or more children under 16 years old or under 23 years old if the children study at school or in the full-time department of a university.

Federal benefits include those benefits that parents of large families throughout the country can enjoy.

One of the main benefits of large families is free travel on the metro, trams, buses and trains. All this applies to municipal public transport, and the availability of discounts on travel on commercial buses depends on the policy of a particular city. To obtain this benefit, you must contact the social services for the protection of the population.

Families with three or more children can get free preschool medicine. Also, large children can visit a pediatrician without a queue. Another benefit for very young children from a large family is the opportunity to get a place in a kindergarten out of turn.

Separate assistance is also provided for schoolchildren from large families. They must be provided with school uniforms or monetary compensation for their purchase. Also, these children are entitled to free meals at school.

Benefits are provided for large families and in the field of recreation. State museums, zoos, exhibition halls provide large families with the opportunity to visit their expositions every month free of charge. You need to find out the exact day of visiting in each specific museum.

One of the most valuable benefits is providing a family with living space. Large families can get into the queue for receiving a municipal apartment along with other people in need of housing. However, for parents of three or more children, there is another way out - receiving from the state a plot of land within the city or in the suburbs, where you can build a private house.

Families with three or more children can also use benefits for other categories of the population, for example, for young families, if they are suitable for their age.

Regional benefits

In addition to the benefits common to all large families, there is also assistance that depends on the region of residence. Since 2013, in regions with a difficult demographic situation, a special payment has been introduced for those who have a third or subsequent child in the family - 100 thousand rubles. This money is issued in the form of a certificate. They can be spent on children's education, maternity pension, housing improvement, or buying a car. If there is only a father in a large family, then he can also use this amount to increase his pension.
