Passion for paintball, following the example of Europe, is gaining momentum in our country. Despite the already great competition, you will still have time to occupy your niche if you open a club for fans of this game. In addition to being able to quickly promote your business, pay attention to the fact that paintball will allow you to recoup your costs in the shortest possible time.

Step 1
Register your activity officially. Register the company with the tax service, receive a certificate of entry into the register of legal entities, and make a seal. Contact the bank to open a current account. The use of hired labor must be formalized according to the Labor Code, and you will have to pay insurance premiums. Therefore, after looking for workers, contact your local Pension Fund office and register there as an employer.
Step 2
Find a place to organize your club. It can be an abandoned wasteland, or a section of a forest or field. Keep in mind that visitors, in addition to the game itself, will want to rest. Therefore, consider the possibility of opening a club on the territory of a recreation center or hotel complex. Probably, the owners of the land will go to meet you, because it will bring them additional profit and advertising.
Step 3
Open a food and beverage outlet if you plan to work on your own. Do not forget to go through the Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision control for compliance with the premises. Build changing rooms. Make separate female and male booths. Be sure to install showers, because after the paintball, players will need to clean themselves up.
Step 4
Set up a play area. On average, you will need 2 to 8 fields of at least 200 m2. Buy old car tires and cabins, set up all sorts of obstacles and camouflage spots. To a large extent, the flow of your clients will depend on how interesting you will design the field. Use military paraphernalia, nets, various types of shelters. Be sure to keep the playing surface level so that inexperienced clients don't get hurt. Be sure to enclose the territory of the club with a high fence.
Step 5
Purchase equipment for the game. There are very few factories in Russia that produce such products, so try to contact their foreign competitors. You will need masks, markers, playing clothing, balls, referee clothing and an air compressor. The purchase of equipment can be considered the most expensive investment, so be careful when choosing a brand, listen to product reviews.
Step 6
Advertise your business. Use the media, Internet resources, message boards. If there are no funds to pay for television services, discuss with the management the possibility of a short reportage in exchange for a free game. Engage the city administration by offering to conduct military-patriotic training of youth. This will help you draw attention to the club and establish yourself as an active businessman.