What Is The Currency In Antarctica

What Is The Currency In Antarctica
What Is The Currency In Antarctica

Today Antarctica does not officially belong to any state in the world, but in 1996 a group of US citizens, on their own initiative, created the unofficial currency of this continent. The Antarctic dollar was issued for five years - from 1996-2001.

What is the currency in Antarctica
What is the currency in Antarctica

In 1958, the Antarctic Treaty was concluded, which established it as a continent where international cooperation in the field of science takes place. More than twenty research stations are located in Antarctica, employing about 4,000 people.

In accordance with international laws, Antarctica has no right to its own currency, but this fact did not stop a group of enthusiasts who, in the period from 1996-2001, printed banknotes in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 dollars. This money is issued by a financial institution called the Antarctic Overseas Bank.

As conceived by the organizers of the action, Antarctic dollars could be exchanged for American currency in accordance with the face value, and the proceeds would be used to fund scientific research in Antarctica.

These banknotes are made of plastic film on which various designs and holograms are applied. Antarctic dollars depict icebergs, penguins, killer whales and portraits of the most famous explorers of this mysterious continent. The banknotes have serial numbers and several security levels. The size of the bill is slightly larger than the US dollar.

The Antarctic Dollar is currently a collectible.
