If you are thinking about how to sell plastic windows faster and more profitably, then you should use the following tips. These recommendations will also be useful to those who are already selling windows, but have not yet achieved success in this difficult business.

Step 1
Advertising is the engine of trade, including trade in plastic windows. Create flyers describing the main benefits of windows, or come up with a unique selling proposition, such as: “Promotion! You buy one window, and the second is free”or“Attention! Our windows are of European quality. 10-year warranty . In order to save money, leaflets can be printed on your own printer, while you can develop a design for them yourself. Or you can organize the mass production of advertising brochures by contacting a printing house. Handing out leaflets should be near the place of sale of windows or in places where there is a large crowd of people (near the metro, in shopping centers).
Step 2
Get a telephone directory and call several business centers, construction companies. They may need to install plastic windows, but most likely they already have a permanent window supplier. Then offer them a win-win deal - install one window for free in exchange for providing several addresses, where the installation of plastic windows is also required. On the spot, you will already be able to present your plastic windows to an interested client, demonstrate their unique qualities.
Step 3
If you sell plastic windows in a shopping center where your competitors can work within walking distance, attract the target audience with a bright advertising stand with a call to be sure to enter your pavilion. Then, when the customer steps into your store, invite them to sit down, have a cup of coffee, and spell out which windows they want. So the potential client will relax, stop being wary and distrustful. At this time, you will be able to unobtrusively advertise your product and provoke the client to buy by offering him a couple of advantageous advantages that distinguish you from your competitors (free installation, after-sales service for five years, buying a second window with a tangible discount, etc.) …
Step 4
Contact the services of promoters in an advertising agency. So behind the counter in large shopping centers, on construction sites, lovely girls - promoters will be able to advertise your plastic windows. It will be good if you provide them with one window - a sample or an advertising model of the window, then visitors will see the product with their own eyes (and not in the picture, as usual) and this will make them more interested in buying.