There is a category of people who can easily find any thing they need at a bargain price. This is often referred to as intuition or intuition, but experience can be substituted for these qualities. The main principle of saving on clothes is based on information about the product obtained before making a purchase.

Step 1
Despite the fact that the media constantly advises and imposes some products on us, be guided by your experience. If you know that the fabric shrinks or fades during washing, pay attention to this and do not waste your money on the wind.
Step 2
Build your basic wardrobe with a few expensive, high-quality items. And already for them buy fashionable inexpensive accessories every season. Learn to give up unnecessary clothes, do not be tempted to buy at least something. The most common mistake most women make is not wearing the right clothes when their closets are overcrowded.
Step 3
Remember, there is a difference between fashion and style. Fashion is fleeting, but style is timeless. Fashion is imitation of someone, and style reflects your personality. In addition, the style does not require large investments.
Step 4
Never make a purchase before a store closes - sellers rushing home can push you into a rash purchase. And also remember that an expensive item is not always of better quality than a cheap one.