Modern advertising is constantly evolving: various celebrities are invited everywhere. Alfa Bank is no exception. In his commercials, world famous personalities.

Lionel Messi and Alfa Bank
Lionel Messi is a footballer from Argentina, striker and captain of FC Barcelona, also captain of the Argentine national football team. He has participated in many advertising campaigns for large organizations such as Head & Shoulders, Adidas, Lays, Huawei. Alfa Bank's decision to invite such a famous footballer to its ad was reasonable. When society notices on television, on the Internet, that a famous person is collaborating with a company, an unspoken trust and desire to become a part of this team is born. As practice shows, all large companies invite athletes, politicians, actors and a wide variety of modern heroes for a PR move, which is clearly a mutually beneficial cooperation.
In a video campaigning to take out a loan, Lionel appears in front of us in the usual image of a football player who always hits “Right on target!”. The story of Lionel Messi and Alfa-Bank did not end with just advertising, the famous football player became the official face of the bank for 2018. Earlier, the post of the bank's ambassador was occupied by a less well-known, but also interesting person, a talented interviewer Yuri Dud. A person interested in sports will not remain indifferent to the videos, seeing their idol in them. This is an unambiguously successful advertising move, relevant for its time.
By following Alfa-Bank, you can draw up instructions on what advertising should be, which celebrities should be invited, in what images and at what time. There is no doubt that this will attract additional clients.

Powerful advertising
Alfa Bank promotes a high-quality and successful advertising campaign. Their slogans remain in the minds, the symbols are remembered for a long time, and the invited media personalities are known to everyone. A wide PR program was launched in connection with the 2018 FIFA World Cup, one of whose partners was Alfa-Bank. Everyone could see such celebrities as Alexander Hunt, Sergey Vlasov, Evgeny Kulik, Pokras Lampas, Timur Rodriguez with the Alfa Bank logo on TV screens, street banners. The most powerful motivating videos were shot, which did not leave anyone indifferent. This is what can rightfully be called the art of advertising with the clever use of celebrities.

Also, Alfa-Bank has a special relationship with the famous street artist POKRAS LAMPAS. Their joint work was the NEXT debit card with a unique design. The design of plastic cards, as it turned out, is also of great importance for their holders, which can be judged about the appearance of such a service in other banks.