How To Make Money On A Booster

How To Make Money On A Booster
How To Make Money On A Booster

Booster is a platform for posting video ads and generating income from its views. This is a convenient way of earning money for the owners of thematic sites and communities in social networks.

How to make money on a booster
How to make money on a booster

Features of the Booster platform

From the point of view of income, the service is primarily of interest to the owners of information sites and publics (communities) on social networks. The platform began its work in 2017, offering webmasters a monetization tool in the form of two video ad formats: Native seeding (static placement of a video player for displaying advertising content) and Overlay seeding (dynamic ad placement on existing video content).

Sites with attendance of at least 1000 unique visitors per day and communities in the social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Facebook with the number of subscribers of at least 10,000 people are considered for cooperation. You pay for each video ad view, provided that the page visitor has watched at least 25% of the video (on average, from 5 seconds).

The service offers many benefits to webmasters. This can be attributed to virtually 100% monetization of each unique visit to the site, since videos are shown in a multimedia player, which is bypassed by ad blockers. High targeting accuracy allows users to show the most relevant and interesting ads, increasing conversion. Stable payments are also provided in several ways.

At the same time, all potential partners undergo strict moderation. Booster service specialists accept only sites with natural traffic, high-quality design and unique content. An important feature of the platform is the use of YouTube video hosting for placing commercials. This makes it easier to integrate ads into the site structure and allows you to attract more advertisers.

How to start making money with Booster

A webmaster who wants to make money with Booster needs to register on the site as a partner. Adding sites is carried out through the section "My sites". Here you need to specify the full address of the site or group in social networks, select up to four suitable categories and provide access to independent statistics of the LiveInternet traffic.

After checking all the data, the administration notifies the user about the acceptance of the application or its rejection. The partner is provided with the HTML code of the video ad, which must be placed on the site pages or integrated into the social community. To receive payments, you must specify the method of receiving payments in the "Settings" menu: through a bank card (from 1000 rubles) or through electronic wallets WebMoney or QIWI (from 10 rubles). Every day, a webmaster will be able to observe the statistics of viewing video ads and charges in his profile.
