Currently, a law is being considered on the imposition of a fine of 1000 rubles for non-payment of the fine. But it happens that we do not even know about our debt. Often, letters from organizations that have the right to impose penalties and from the bailiff service do not reach the addressee. And although such letters must be delivered in person, this cannot be expected. You have to find out about your debts yourself.

Step 1
First of all, visit the Federal Bailiff Service (FSSP). They will tell you if you are among the debtors. But this is in the event that your case has already been transferred to them for collection. As a rule, there are no queues in the FSSP, and you will not spend a lot of time. Just find out when office hours and bring your passport.
Step 2
Go to the Inspectorate for Taxes and Duties (IFTS). There you will find out if there is any tax arrears. Take your passport and TIN. Write a statement. It will be processed in approximately five business days. If you want to resolve the issue faster, contact the inspectors. For ease of conversation, buy a chocolate bar.
Step 3
If you own a car, visit the traffic police. Check with the Administrative Practice Department about the fines imposed. Keep in mind that fines are possible even if you do not drive a car, but only own it.
Step 4
If you are running a business, check with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund (FSS) about possible fines. The Pension Fund will give you information not only on pension contributions, but also on insurance contributions to TTFOMS and FFOMS, so there is no need to contact ROFOMS.
Step 5
Think about what other organizations might have fined you. This can be a fire inspection, a licensing department, a consumer protection service, Rospotrebnadzor, and so on. Visit these organizations and make sure you are not among the debtors.
Step 6
If you have no desire to visit all these organizations, try to find out about possible debts using the Internet. Nowadays, almost every service has its own personal website, where you can find out about unpaid payments. In this case, you will be asked to fill out an electronic form. The data for each service is slightly different. In any case, you will need to indicate personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, passport, place of residence, TIN. For the traffic police, you will also need data on the car, and in the Pension Fund - the number of the insurance certificate.
Step 7
And lastly, if you find out about unpaid fines or taxes, don't wait - pay. If the case is transferred to the bailiff service, you will have to pay an execution fee, and its minimum amount is 500 rubles.