Currencies tend to go out of use and turn into more relevant forms. If a large amount of old money has accumulated in your house, you can try to rent it or exchange it for the one that is used today.

Step 1
If you find in your house a large amount of old money that was issued from 1994 to the present day, you can contact the Sberbank of the Russian Federation and exchange it for new banknotes, while the exchange is not carried out in all branches of the financial organization. It is best to contact the head office of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation in your city and clarify exactly where and on what conditions you can exchange old money for new ones.
Step 2
Banknotes issued before 1993, inclusive, cannot be exchanged at credit institutions, unfortunately. In this case, it is best to contact the numismatists' clubs, which operate in almost all large settlements of Russia. Previously, it is best to clarify the value of the old money that you have; this can be done using Internet portals dedicated to numismatics. Numismatists willingly collect outdated banknotes and will gladly purchase them from you.
Step 3
You can sell old money using the internet. In particular, the website has a section dedicated to the sale of obsolete banknotes. It is noteworthy that not only Russian, but also foreign banknotes and coins are sold here, so if you have old foreign banknotes, you can also sell them.
Step 4
Old money can be donated to museum funds, which, unfortunately, will not be able to redeem them at too high a price, however, you can quite count on a minimum remuneration. In comparison with numismatists, such organizations pay 70-80% less from the face value of the banknote.
Step 5
If you cannot get compensation for the old money accumulated in your home, you can always hand over it for recycling. Your coins will be glad to see you at the collection points for non-ferrous metals, and paper banknotes can be returned as waste paper. Of course, it is worth considering the fact that when you hand over your old money for processing, you most likely will not receive anything in return.