Many people have hobbies. Among the most popular types is collecting. You can collect anything from candy wrappers to works of art and luxury cars. It depends on your tastes and financial capabilities. So, for example, there are people who are fond of collecting old money.

Step 1
This hobby even got its name - bonistics. Ardent adherents of this hobby browse hundreds of ads in the hope of finding one that talks about old paper money. If you look at it, almost every family has old rubles.
Step 2
Unfortunately, not all of them can bring you a solid jackpot.
Step 3
If you are lucky and you become the owner of a real rarity, try to sell it as profitably as possible. To do this, carefully study the form of collectors, which have collected a large amount of useful information. Here you can not only find out the real price of a particular bill, but also learn about its origin.
Step 4
If you could not find the answer to your question, just take a photo of the money you have and create a new topic on the form by uploading the images you received.
Step 5
In the event that you are satisfied with the declared prices, put up the existing bills for auction. Most likely, a real war for possession of the rarity will be played out between collectors. Thus, the sale of old money turns into an auction that will bring you quite a lot of money. This is the most profitable option.
Step 6
Not everyone knows how or is simply afraid to use the Internet. If you belong to this group of people, just place an ad in the newspaper. In this case, you can wait a long time before someone calls.
Step 7
To speed up the process of selling antique money, attend the Bonistics Collectors' Meeting. You can get a great deal right on the spot. Unfortunately, in order to sell old money you need to have a good reputation. Most collectors make sure that coins and banknotes do not turn out to be stolen and then they do not have to waste time dealing with the police.