How To Switch To English

How To Switch To English
How To Switch To English

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Even if you have been learning English for a long time, sometimes it is not easy in a conversation with a foreigner or in a lesson, exam, it is easy and natural to switch to it. The habit of speaking, and most importantly, thinking and mentally putting phrases in Russian dictates its own terms. However, the situation can be changed, it is enough just to prepare well, using the recommendations of linguists.

regular reading of books in the original language will help to switch to English
regular reading of books in the original language will help to switch to English


Step 1

Whenever possible, watch films in their original language, ideally with English subtitles. Thus, you will gradually get used to the sound of foreign speech around, as well as memorize the correct structure of many common sentences.

Step 2

Train in any free time: on transport on the way to work, at home while cleaning the apartment, before going to bed. When you think about something, automatically immediately mentally translate your thoughts into English. When you get into the habit, you will even start dreaming in a foreign language.

Step 3

Read English books and monolingual (no translation, with an explanation of words in English) dictionaries. Try not to look up every minute the meaning of unfamiliar words in the dictionary. Get used to reading fluently, it will soon become natural.
