When opening language courses, it is important to know about the legal side of the issue. It is not enough to find a good teacher. It is important to ensure that the process is carried out without violations of the law.

Step 1
First of all, in accordance with Federal Law No. 99, educational activities are subject to licensing. The only exceptions are one-time educational events (seminars, trainings), after which a document on the completed training is not issued. In addition, you do not need to obtain a license for individual teaching activities (but you still have to register an individual entrepreneur and pay taxes). To obtain a license, you must provide documents on the qualifications of teachers, the availability of teaching aids and other resources for training. The full procedure for granting a license is regulated by "Resolution No. 174 of March 16, 2011 On Approval of the Regulation On Licensing Educational Activities".
Step 2
Legal issues will be the most troublesome. In addition to the license, this is the registration of a legal entity, its registration with the tax office and various supervisory services. When working with children under 18 years old, it is imperative to comply with sanitary standards. The premises of the courses must also comply with fire safety regulations. But, if you are ready to deal with all the bureaucratic delays, the next point of work will not make you difficult.
Step 3
To organize courses, you need to find a comfortable room with equipment and, of course, English teachers. These should be qualified teachers with appropriate education. Young specialists can also be hired, they are full of enthusiasm, but the lack of experience, of course, will make itself felt. The teacher must organize the educational process competently, excitingly and in accordance with the needs of the students. And, of course, you need an advertising person. It is his work, especially at first, that will provide you with a set of groups. Then, if you earn yourself a positive reputation, people will come by themselves, learning about your courses from friends and acquaintances.