If you feel that it's time to go to a new level or your previous finances are simply not enough, then you should definitely pay attention to five really working ways to get more than now.

Step 1
Ask for a raise. The boss will not eat you, maximum - he will grumble, they say, there are a lot of you like that. Or maybe you really need to increase your salary or write out a bonus. Only you will explain why exactly you need an increase and why now. He cannot help with money - let him give additional work, which is paid overtime.
Step 2
Work after work. This is also a method, and it brings such a good income that many people go into the shadows. Painting with gel polish, styling for brides or moonlighting as a wedding photographer is much more interesting than standing behind a machine. Of the advantages, in addition to finance, a free schedule.
Step 3
Get additional education. Completing all kinds of advanced training courses, seminars, training in additional skills and forms of work also affects your earnings. Check with your HR department or accountants in your organization to find out how you can help yourself. Sometimes you have to invest well in such training, but the result in the form of constant high income will pay off these investments. In general, look, maybe it's time for you to change your area of work? Then you can unlearn someone with a higher pay bar?
Step 4
Change jobs. You can move to another position, and if you are not satisfied, then to another organization. Often, the upper salary range in one firm is the lower one in another. Or you can act even more decisively - go to a completely different area. But as mentioned above - the majority will have to study for this …
Step 5
Move to a big city or abroad. Moving is a method for the most risky. However, now it is quite popular. People flock to big cities to earn more money, and often benefit from such changes. But you will have to sacrifice your social circle and endure temporary difficulties associated with such a change in the environment. On average, IT specialists receive at least twice as much abroad as in Russia.