It is known that there is never a lot of money. But I want to live in such a way that there is enough of them, if not for everything, then at least for much of what one dreams of. Some strive to earn more, others begin to save. And each of them is right and wrong in its own way.

Earn more
If you want to have more money, the conclusion, it would seem, suggests itself: you need to earn more! But, having changed a job for a more prestigious and highly paid one, or starting to work with renewed vigor and getting more and more money, a person sometimes notices with surprise that they … are still not enough.
This happens for the simple reason that, having increased income, a person rises to a new rung of the social ladder, and accordingly, his level of needs increases. He wants to dress more prestigiously, buys new models of household appliances, new, more advanced gadgets, changes his car, improves his living conditions, and finally eats better and more varied.
And on all this he spends much more money than before. Yes, now he can afford a vacation in Goa, and not in Turkey, but he has new dreams and desires, and even more funds are needed to realize them.
Others take the tried and tested cost-cutting route in order to more wisely allocate available funds and, as a result, allow themselves some joy.
Of course, a reasonable economy is more a good than an evil, but if a person puts himself in too rigid a framework, constantly denies himself trifles, saves on his desires, he voluntarily plunges himself into a state of permanent stress. His desires to have the best goods, products and other vital benefits have not gone anywhere, but he can only realize a few of them, while previously denying himself the fulfillment of his desires for a long time.
How to be?
In order not to feel deprived of life, there are two ways a person can solve financial problems.
One of them is to combine the desire and opportunity to earn more with reasonable savings. In this case, a person can more freely manage their finances, sometimes allow themselves small indulgences and satisfy small whims. And, at the same time, a reasonable approach to spending will not allow him to buy a new thing simply because it is “prestigious”, “everyone already has it,” “really wants to” and for other similar reasons. Shopping with this approach will be carried out if there really is an objective need for it.
Another way is to learn to listen carefully to yourself, your desires and not allow anyone or anything from the outside to manipulate them. For example, there is a significant difference if a person wants to buy a new sofa because it is uncomfortable, has lost its appearance or is broken, or because the old sofa is "out of fashion." In the latter case, the desire to change it is dictated to a person from the outside, this is the opinion of friends, the media, the advertising industry, and has nothing to do with the internal needs of a person.
Only by learning to follow his true desires, a person is able to understand what exactly and in what quantities he needs for life and how much money he needs for this.