The more frequent cases of revocation of licenses from banks make the issue of the correct choice of a financial institution to open a deposit especially relevant. Ideally, the bank should be reliable and stable, as well as provide high returns.

How to choose a bank
The first thing to do is to choose a reliable bank, only then - the most profitable deposit in its product line. When choosing a bank, it is important to consider that it is a member of the deposit insurance system. Before joining the system, banks undergo serious checks by the Central Bank. Even if the license of a bank participating in the deposit insurance system is revoked, the depositor is compensated for 100% of the deposit in the amount of up to 700 thousand rubles. All banks participating in the deposit insurance system are presented on the website of the Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA). To minimize risks, it is worth placing funds in several banks.
As a rule, reliable stable banks do not have too high bank interest rates. Superhigh interest rates of 12-13% per annum should alert depositors. This probably indicates liquidity problems at the credit institution. Before deciding on a bank, it is worth considering the average value of interest rates on deposits. This information can be found on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. According to his recommendations, interest rates on deposits should not deviate from the arithmetic average level by 1.5%.
It is also necessary to analyze the financial statements of the bank and the dynamics of its key indicators.
Information about banks (ratings, financial statements) can be obtained in open sources - on the website of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the bank itself.
It is worth taking into account the reputation of the bank, studying the reviews about it from its clients, as well as looking at the presence of feedback from the bank's employees and assessing the promptness of solving the problems of depositors.
When choosing a bank, it is necessary to consider not only the reviews of ordinary customers, but also the ratings compiled by professional agencies. In particular, such rating agencies as Rus-Rating and Expert are very popular.
It is impossible not to take into account the experience of a financial organization in the market. The bank's stability is evidenced by the fact how calmly the company was able to survive the crisis. Large banks are also distinguished by a developed branch network, its presence additionally testifies to the stability of a financial institution.
How to choose a profitable deposit
The profitability of a deposit directly depends on the value of the interest rate on it, but we must not forget about the taxation of high interest rates.
If the interest rate on a deposit is 5% higher than the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, income from such a deposit is taxed at 35%.
The most profitable from the standpoint of interest rates is to open savings deposits that do not involve withdrawing or depositing cash during the period of the deposit. This is followed by savings deposits, which provide depositors with the opportunity to add funds to the account, thereby increasing the profitability of the deposit.
In third place are settlement deposits, the rate on them is on average 1.5% lower than on savings deposits. But the depositor has access to the operations of depositing and withdrawing funds.
Higher profitability is guaranteed by deposits with interest capitalization. They are suitable for those depositors who do not plan to withdraw interest. The more often capitalization is carried out, the higher the guaranteed profit.