How And In Which Bank You Can Take Out A Loan Online Without Visiting The Bank

How And In Which Bank You Can Take Out A Loan Online Without Visiting The Bank
How And In Which Bank You Can Take Out A Loan Online Without Visiting The Bank

The introduction of remote identification by the Central Bank will allow the citizens of the Russian Federation to issue any product in the near future, even without a meeting with the manager of a credit institution. Not to mention visiting the office. At the moment, this opportunity is being systematically introduced.

How and in which bank you can take out a loan online without visiting the bank
How and in which bank you can take out a loan online without visiting the bank

Despite this, many Russians are already interested in - in which bank can you take out a loan online without a visit to the bank and how to get it? A number of commercial structures provide a remote online loan application service. The whole procedure for obtaining such a loan consists of five main steps.

Choosing a loan program is the first step

The selection of a suitable offer is complex. It includes familiarization with the business model of the bank, which should issue loans online, as well as proposals of commercial structures that meet this condition. In order not to monitor all banks, of which there are more than four hundred in Russia, it is easier to use specialized aggregators. For example, such as We used it to determine the best offers.

There are five most profitable offers:

  1. Tinkoff Bank. In fact, he is the first lender in Russia to introduce remote loan processing. The practice of identifying the borrower and signing contracts with the help of a courier is still supported. He can come to almost any convenient place for the client. Regardless of the locality.
  2. Home Credit Bank. It also provides the ability to remotely apply for a loan. And in a more modern form. Even a meeting with a manager is not required. Submitting an application, concluding an agreement and obtaining borrowed funds - everything is done via the Internet. The only caveat is that the credit institution transfers money only to the bank account of the borrower. Even if in a third-party commercial structure.
  3. Renaissance Credit Bank. Adopts a hybrid teleservice model. That is, the main stages that require the most time are performed remotely. The signing of the contract and the receipt of money is carried out in the office. One visit to the department still has to be done.
  4. East Bank. Provides the opportunity to conclude a contract through a mobile agent. True, the possibility of ordering it is only in a number of large settlements in Russia. In other cases, you will have to go to the department once.
  5. Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD). Provides a service according to the scheme identical to that of Renaissance Credit Bank - with a one-time visit to the office at the time of signing the contract.

There is no point in describing interest rates. In all of the above commercial structures, they are determined individually. Based on the parameters of the requested loan, as well as personal data specified in the application. Therefore, a lower minimum interest in one bank does not guarantee that a more favorable overpayment condition will not be offered in another credit institution.

Forming an application - the second step

To carry out this procedure, you must prepare:

  • Your general civil passport;
  • SNILS;
  • Information about the employer, including the legal name and TIN;
  • Contact information, both their own and those of relatives or friends.

Visually, all profiles are different. They are essentially identical. Requires similar information to fill out. Always contain hints for correct filling. Therefore, this stage should not cause difficulties. The main thing is to carefully fill in all the data. By rechecking them. Even minor mistakes can provoke a refusal to issue money on credit. Unreliable information provided, albeit by accident, is assessed by banks as an attempt to deceive.

Separately, it is worth highlighting that in some banks, for example, the same Home Credit, you will have to make a scan or a readable photo of a civil passport. Therefore, it is better to take care of the presence of a gadget in advance that allows you to take a high-quality snapshot of the document.

Making a decision - step three

At this stage, the client has virtually no influence on anything. He can only wait for a notification from the bank about the results of the consideration of the appeal. Often, a verdict is passed within a few minutes or an hour. If a more detailed check is required, it can take up to 1 business day. In any case, the notification of the decision is sent to the mobile. In the form of an SMS message or a call from a specialist. Sometimes it can be duplicated by email.

It is important to note that in case of a negative result in one bank, you can try to apply to another. Each business has its own scoring standards. That is, without going through one parameter, for example, the level of solvency, in the first commercial structure, there remains the likelihood of getting approval in another. Therefore, you will have to repeat the procedure from the first step, excluding the already refused bank from the selection list.

If the decision is positive, individual credit conditions are also announced. That is, interest rate, monthly payment, etc. At this moment, the client determines whether the financing parameters are suitable for him. Including the level of overpayment. If not, then it is enough to refuse to sign the agreement. An approved application does not force anything. There is even time to think. The bank's decision is valid for up to 30 days.

Concluding a contract - step four

The transaction rules depend on the lender's business model. As indicated in the review of TOP-5 loans that can be taken without a visit to the bank, in the first paragraph, in fact, three options are applied:

  1. One compulsory office visit to complete the current step;
  2. Visit to the place of the courier (bank representative) chosen by the borrower;
  3. Remote carrying out of the procedure using an electronic signature (a short password received on the borrower's mobile phone).

In any case, upon receipt of a positive decision, the bank informs the client of the necessary further actions. If you have the slightest difficulty or misunderstanding, you should contact the lender's support service. All, with the exception of Home Credit, have a federal toll-free number. The specified bank uses online chat on the official website for consultation.

Getting money - the fifth, final step

Issuance is made through the channels provided for by the business model of the selected bank. For example, Tinkoff and Vostochny transfers the loan to a card that is delivered by courier along with loan agreements. In Renaissance Credit and UBRD you can receive funds directly at the cash desk in cash. Home Credit directs the loan to an account opened with a third-party bank.

In fact, the only nuance that should be taken into account at this stage is the transaction processing time. That is, from the moment of signing the contract, which is also the sending of funds, it can take quite a long time - up to 5 working days. Accordingly, this period does not include Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays.
