The possibility of easy earnings attracts many people. Some try their hand at online casinos, but only a few win. In order not to lose money and stay in profit, you should choose the right casino and follow some principles of the game.

Before playing at an online casino, it is worth remembering a simple thing: you will never be allowed to consistently win and collect your winnings. Even if you develop your own unique strategy for the game, and this, according to the professionals, you may not be allowed to withdraw your winnings on a regular basis. In reality, you can only count on one-time winnings - as soon as the casino owners notice that you have started winning consistently, everything will be done to make you lose your funds.
How casinos cheat players
It should be understood that there are no absolutely honest online casinos. If there are exceptions to this rule, they are very rare. Among the most popular casinos with a long history are such establishments as Grandcasino, Casino King, Williams Hill. There are other casinos that have a good reputation.
Be sure to read the terms and conditions that you agree to when starting to play at the casino - even in the largest establishments there is a clause according to which your account can be closed without explanation and without a refund. There are hundreds of loopholes that allow casino owners to “legitimately” rob you of your winnings.
In many casinos, the following principle applies: the first day after registration, you are allowed to play fair. If at the end of the day you are the winner, the game for you is already starting to go according to other algorithms - you are surprised to notice that you are starting to rapidly "drain" the deposit. It also happens: you consistently win on a demo account, but when you switch to a real account, you immediately start losing money. This kind of divorce is typical for many casinos.
It is easy to check the fairness of the game: for example, when playing roulette, bet only on equal chances. At the same time, put in a circle to avoid subjectivity - for example, "1-18", "even", "black", "red", "odd", "19-36", again "1-18", etc. … Use the minimum bets, mark each win in a notebook with a plus, a loss with a minus. Don't count the Zero. In case of fair play on a large series - about several hundred bets - the number of wins and losses should be approximately equal. If there are noticeably more disadvantages, you are being deceived.
Make sure in advance that you have all the necessary documents for withdrawing funds. For example, you cannot withdraw money from many foreign online casinos without a passport or driver's license.
How to beat the casino
First of all, find a casino that at least doesn't cheat explicitly. A good option is a casino with md5 fairness control. The principle is simple: starting a game - for example, roulette, blackjack, etc., using the site service, you receive a file with a sequence of numbers or cards encrypted using the md5 algorithm. After the game, you receive a decryption code and you can compare the real sequence of cards or numbers with the one in the encrypted file.
Remember that some casinos only pretend they have md5 fairness controls. In practice, the service may not work, and you will not be able to check this without starting the game. Therefore, for the first game, deposit the minimum amount - for example, $ 5. This is enough to start the game and check the honesty of the casino.
Never play in a bad mood. Be relaxed, enjoy the game. You will begin to really make money on the game only when you step aside from the very desire to make money.
In the game, be sure to use any system - just not martingale, it is guaranteed to lead to a loss of the deposit, it has been proven many times by thousands of players. Consider periods of good luck and bad luck, every player has them. To do this, keep a diary in which you note your winnings and losses, build a graph of changes in the amount of money. Looking at the chart, you will be able to see when your next “drawdown” begins - at this time, operate with minimum rates or switch to a demo account. When luck turns to face you again, increase the size of the bets. Using these rules, you can always be profitable.