In the area where you live, there are occasional interruptions in the production of local poultry farms. Business intuition tells you that it would be nice to start breeding chickens, ducks, geese or even quails. Or maybe you decided to open a farm for breeding ostriches? In any case, register your enterprise in the same manner as any other enterprise engaged in the supply of agricultural products.

Step 1
If you are going to start raising pedigree young poultry, choose a site for the construction and improvement of the farm away from large settlements and other farms. Poor ecology, bird diseases are not the best helper in breeding chickens (ducks, turkeys, etc.)
Step 2
If your plans include providing the city with the products of your poultry farm (commercial production), then rent a site closer to the points of sale.
Step 3
The size of the plot depends on whether you are going to keep, say, geese or even ostriches on grazing, or whether you prefer to use compound feed in all seasons. For example, geese need 10 sq. m of plot for each individual, and it is better to graze ostriches on a fenced allotment. If the bird is waterfowl (especially for ducks), then a reservoir is needed.
Step 4
Obtain a health certificate from your local veterinary office.
Step 5
If you decide to organize a commercial farm, remember that for its profitability it is necessary to grow 500-800 individuals at the same time. Immediately, even before building a poultry house, conclude an agreement for the supply of poultry with reliable producers who keep breeding farms in your area.
Step 6
Birds are usually quite unpretentious, but when building a house or in the process of converting another house for it, make sure that there are no drafts. For young animals, equip a heated room, in summer it can be a large aviary. Calculate the area of the future poultry house based on the estimated population. Since chickens and quails prefer to live crowded, the area of the poultry house for them will be less than for geese, turkeys, etc. Moreover, quails and chickens usually live almost all year round in cages of 3-5 floors.
Step 7
Purchase the necessary equipment (feeders, drinkers, incubator). There should be enough feeders for all birds to have access to food. The warehouse must have capacious refrigerating chambers.
Step 8
Your farm may have associated production as well. To increase the profitability of the farm, equip a small workshop for the processing of down and feathers.
Step 9
Hire employees. Don't be stingy and find at least one good poultry professional. Take care of the security of your company.
Step 10
After you release a trial batch of goods, contact the Center for Certification and Standardization and receive all the necessary documents confirming the quality of the product by submitting its samples for examination.