How To Open A Farm

How To Open A Farm
How To Open A Farm

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The demand for poultry is growing every year. But the number of farms in Russia is small, so the products are imported mainly from Germany, France and other countries. Farming is quite profitable, but, like any business, it requires initial capital. On average, to create your own farm, you will need about 5-7 thousand dollars. If you decide to become a farmer, carefully read our step-by-step instructions - it will help you in solving many issues.

How to open a farm
How to open a farm


Step 1

Solve the land issue. It is better to place the farm away from the city and from other farmland. Decide how you plan to grow your poultry: grazing or mixed fodder. In the first case, you will need a larger area of land than in the second.

Step 2

Count how many heads you are willing to raise. To justify the expense that went into setting up the farm, you need to raise 500-800 heads. To care for such a farm, you need at least 3 people. If the farm is family-owned, assign responsibilities wisely.

Step 3

Take care of the place where the birds will live. This does not cost much. Make sure that the room is not ventilated. For young animals, you will need to build a room that would warm up well.

Step 4

Decide what kind of bird you will grow: geese, ducks, turkeys or quails. The food you need will depend on this. Geese can be grazed in summer and autumn. Ducks are omnivorous. But to breed ducks, you need to have a reservoir on your farm. If you decide to keep quails, then you should know that you need to feed this bird 2-3 times a day. Some waste from the kitchen can also go to the feeder: wheat, corn, cottage cheese.

Step 5

Take care of the feeders from which the birds will eat. There should be enough feeders so that each bird can eat from there at the same time with everyone.

Step 6

Calculate the income you will have from the farm. After all, you can sell not only meat, but also down, feathers and droppings. An average goose weighs 4-7 kg, you can sell it for 600-1200 rubles. Goose down will come out about 600 g, kg. down costs about 40 dollars. One kg. litter per day can give a little more than 1000 rubles per year. from every goose. Count the eggs that the birds will bear. One duck can lay up to 130 eggs per year. Quail eggs can lay 250-320 eggs per year.
