"Burning clothes" provides a good opportunity to earn money. A small store of stock items of different brands can be a very profitable business. To open a similar outlet, $ 4-10 thousand is enough. The project should pay off within a year.

Step 1
A clothing outlet store should be located in an area with good traffic or in a densely populated residential area. Opened in the campus area, the store can also be profitable. Such outlets usually offer clothing for young people, and the well-being of today's students is quite high. Do not open a drain on the main streets. There is a large number of brand boutiques selling their own leftovers. The area of the store must be at least 50 square meters. The best would be a room with an area of 150 square meters.
Step 2
The equipment is obliged to ensure the safety and free access to clothing. Magnets attached to the product and checkpoints at the entrance will help ensure safety. A small juice store can be fully equipped for $ 1,000. Do not forget that a stock store is, first of all, a store of cheap clothes. Therefore, the equipment should indicate the minimum markup for the item.
Step 3
In a store with an area of 50-150 square meters, as a rule, there are about 400 units of various stock items. Such a stock of goods will cost $ 2-4 thousand. Women's and youth items usually account for 80 percent. The remaining 20 percent is shared by children's and men's clothing. The main product is seasonal clothing. Knitwear, jeans, and men's T-shirts are popular off-season. In addition to clothing, you can offer shoes, interior accessories, underwear, hats, etc.
Step 4
One of the main conditions for success is a competent pricing of stock clothes. Wholesale firms sell goods in batches. As a rule, items are offered on a selective basis. But you must select at least one hundred units. The price for each unit is one, although the product is unequal. You can pay 15 euros for both jeans and a summer top. By displaying an item in a store, you redistribute the cost of the entire batch. Some items will sell at an 800 percent markup, and some will sell at cost or at a loss. The basic rule is that the sale of the entire batch should compensate for the costs and bring income, which can be about 400 percent.
Step 5
In a small stock store, two or three people or more can work. For the first time, you can take over the duties of a seller-cashier, this will allow you to save a little on salary. For hired employees, there are several options for remuneration. The salary can be fixed, salary plus bonuses or interest from the sale. Also, usually a discount is provided for the purchase of goods in the store.
Step 6
When opening a stock clothing store, it is recommended to conduct a marketing campaign. For advertising purposes, use: street-lines, scatter leaflets in mailboxes, etc. Many people are scared off by the word "stock", so explain it unobtrusively. Position yourself as a European, fashion and new clothing store. This will help move away from the perception of the store as second-hand. This word shouldn't be mentioned at all.