You can make money on Internet sites if you devote enough time to work. A full-time job, in fact. And still passive earnings on the Internet - for example, selling links through the so-called. stock exchange - no longer brings as much money as a year or two ago.

It is necessary
- - a computer
- - the Internet
- - website
Step 1
Raise the traffic to the Internet sites on which you are going to earn. Make a semantic core, post unique articles that contain the keywords or phrases you need. You should not generate text materials through the so-called synonymizers. Almost all search engines already recognize them as unfit for indexing. For the same reason, do not work on machine translation of articles from foreign resources. It will not give anything but wasted time and sanctions. In some cases, you can hear that satellites made in such a way are successfully sitting in the index, believe me, for the time being.
Step 2
Place unique articles with key phrases evenly, not all at once. Try to do this at least in a day or two. This mechanism will make the robot come to your sites more often, and accordingly, it will be faster to include new pages in the index. In order to make money on sites, good indexing is essential. The second important aspect is the link mass leading to your sites. Try to place as many links as possible on sites close to your thematic content. This can be done both through barter and for money. If financial resources permit, buy the so-called. "Perpetual links" or links posted forever.
Step 3
Start registering on exchanges to earn money by selling links, after you have been indexed by Yandex and Google systems by a thousand pages, and your indicators of particles and pr have grown (at least up to particles 20, pr3). One of the most famous exchanges - has significantly discredited itself over the past year. But, at the same time, it still remains the most visited. Selling links on it from your Internet resources, thereby making money on sites, be extremely careful. Not a bad exchange - Many users have moved to, an exchange that is convenient and profitable, but you have to get used to working with it due to its specifics
Step 4
Earn on contextual advertising by placing ad units from Yandex. Direct, YAN, Begun, AdSense and AdWords on sites. Some of them work with sites with traffic from 300-400 hosts per day, while others are not so important. Sites with such indicators as described above are capable of bringing the owner from 5 to 10 thousand rubles from contextual advertising. per month. The amount depends largely on the subject matter of the resources.