What Is The Maximum Amount You Can Store In Yandex.Wallet

What Is The Maximum Amount You Can Store In Yandex.Wallet
What Is The Maximum Amount You Can Store In Yandex.Wallet

For a long time now, virtual resources have made it possible to have additional income, the equivalent of which was electronic money. Now Yandex. Money and many other similar systems make it possible to spend your virtual earnings on quite real things and goods.

What is the maximum amount you can store in Yandex. Wallet
What is the maximum amount you can store in Yandex. Wallet

Yandex. Money: modern systems for the modern world

The Yandex. Money service began its work back in 2002, based on the PayCash technology, which was gaining popularity in Russia. Adapting to the rapid pace of development of society, over a decade of hard work, the Yandex. Money system has been brought almost to perfection. When using an electronic wallet, the necessary security measures and ease of use for both legal entities and individuals have been taken into account.

Benefits of the Yandex. Money service

Accessibility - the wallet can be issued independently at any convenient time, the system has an intuitively accessible interface.

Security - access to the wallet is possible only by entering a password.

Linking a phone number to a Yandex wallet increases the level of security. The service is free, but very convenient, since only you will know the one-time password to confirm the operation.

Convenience - having a bank card, an electronic wallet is easily tied to the card number, allowing the owner to manage his funds without leaving home.

To order a Yandex. Money card, you will need to go through a short certification procedure, the most convenient way to do this is in Euroset. It will cost 100 rubles. There are also other methods described in the personal account.

Payment for services via the Internet - this function provides an undeniable advantage, eliminating completely filling out paper receipts, reducing to a minimum wasted time and, of course, still providing a high level of security.

Transferring money to similar wallets to pay for orders in online stores, cosmetic companies, as well as to pay / receive money for remote work.

Storing funds in the Yandex. Money wallet provides maximum security, but the creators themselves recommend in this case to complete the wallet registration using the client's passport data.

The maximum available amount for storage in the Yandex wallet

Previously, the amount of money that the owner of the wallet had the right to store or put into circulation was not spelled out. However, since October last year, the law on the "National Payment System" came into force, somewhat limiting the possibilities of individuals and legal entities who own an Internet wallet.

At the moment, the following conditions are prescribed, which are necessary for fulfillment: for individuals, the maximum amount will be 15,000 rubles one-time, the maximum turnover is 40,000 rubles per month. However, for authorized users who have provided passport data, this amount will be increased to 100,000 rubles.

Speaking about the maximum amount of storage, the authors of the project do not limit the possibilities of users, but most people who own a large amount of money prefer to give it to circulation rather than freeze it. Unfortunately, the Yandex. Money system does not yet have the ability to store funds at interest, but speaking about the initial task of the system itself, it should be borne in mind that it was not planned to operate like a bank deposit.
