How To Determine The Maximum Loan Amount

How To Determine The Maximum Loan Amount
How To Determine The Maximum Loan Amount

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Borrowing credit funds from a bank has long been a common form of solving urgent financial problems. But when counting on a loan, it should be remembered that you will not be able to receive any, however large, amount. To minimize risks, banks limit the issuance of funds, taking into account the creditworthiness of borrowers. There are many ways to calculate the maximum loan amount, which are used by different banks.

How to determine the maximum loan amount
How to determine the maximum loan amount


Step 1

A number of banks use the notional "cost of living" estimate to determine the maximum loan amount. This calculation is made by analysts of a particular credit institution. The total income of all family members is taken as a basis. Suppose that both husband and wife work in a family with two children. The husband's salary is 20,000 rubles, the wife's - 15,000 rubles.

Step 2

By its decision, the bank establishes the amount of funds required to fully support the life of one person. Suppose that for a given region of residence, it is 5,000 rubles. In total, for a family of 4 people, 20,000 rubles a month are required for life. It turns out that the remaining 15,000 rubles from the family's total income is the maximum monthly payment that this family can afford.

Step 3

Calculate the maximum loan amount based on the period for which you borrow money and the interest rate set by the bank. If you want to take out a loan for 5 years, i.e. for 60 months, for example, at 25% per annum, the maximum loan amount will be 720,000 rubles for this calculation.

Step 4

Other banks and, in particular, Sberbank use a slightly different formula to determine the financial capabilities of clients. Based on a certificate in form 2-NDFL provided by a potential borrower, his total income for the last six months is calculated, from which mandatory payments are then deducted: taxes, alimony, payments on other loans, etc. The remaining amount is divided by 6 months to get the Average Monthly Net Income (AIM). This indicator is used to calculate the customer's ability to pay.

Step 5

To determine the solvency, Sberbank uses a system of coefficients (K), which change their value depending on the size of the average monthly income. So, if Dav is less than 15,000 rubles, K = 0.3, if Dav is more than 15,000, but less than 30,000 rubles, K = 0, 4, with income from 30,000 to 60,000 - K = 0, 5 and K = 0, 6, if your average monthly income is more than 60,000 rubles.

Step 6

The maximum allowable amount, which includes payments of interest and principal, is calculated by the formula: B = Dsr * K * m, where m is the loan term in months. And the maximum allowable loan amount (Skr) from here will be equal to: Skr = B / (1 + St / 100 * m / 12). For the value of St in this formula, the lending rate is taken as a percentage.
