In many, even small towns, there are firms that fund their employees' phone bills. However, not everyone can fully use up this mobile money. And this is one of the ways to make money.

Step 1
As a rule, the accounting department transfers a certain amount of money to the cell phone account once a month, and there is no general control over their spending. If about half of the funds remain on the phone account, the unused money is transferred to the next month automatically.
It is this unused money that you can sell and receive cash.
Step 2
Offer to use this offer to your relatives or friends, or leave a message on the forum on the Internet.
Step 3
Then, simply transfer the unspent money from your mobile phone account to the account of another subscriber, for example, 1000 rubles, and in exchange you will receive 800 rubles in cash when you meet with the client in person. As a result, unused funds were cashed and the customer's phone balance was replenished profitably.
Step 4
The amount of additional income will directly depend on your ability to save money on your cell phone bill. The main thing is that no one from your organization knows about this method of additional income.
Step 5
Another way to make money by replenishing mobile accounts. To do this, you need to have an electronic wallet. Replenish it for a small amount, calculate your costs associated with replenishing your wallet, transferring funds to subscribers' accounts, depending on the amount of replenishment, and further withdrawal of profit.
Step 6
Invite your friends and employees to use your services. That is, they will bring you cash, and you will replenish the corresponding accounts of subscribers from your electronic wallet, having your own small percentage. This method resembles the one that has existed for a long time in cell offices, but your advantage may be the remoteness of such terminals from you, as well as work until a later time.