Which Bank Is Better To Take Out A Loan

Which Bank Is Better To Take Out A Loan
Which Bank Is Better To Take Out A Loan

In life, a moment may come when funds will be needed urgently and in large quantities. But in the banking sector there are a lot of different organizations that provide loans to the population according to requirements, conditions and characteristics that differ from each other. These differences can be so different that the average consumer can feel dizzy. But still, if you need a loan, first of all, you need to find out the conditions from time-tested banks. They are not a guarantor of reliability and honesty, but their reputation in the banking sector makes it possible to trust them more than their lesser known competitors.

Which bank is better to take out a loan
Which bank is better to take out a loan

PJSC "Sberbank"

The most famous bank in Russia provides the following types of loans for individuals: - unsecured loan (CBO) - loan secured by individuals (KPP)

Below is a description of the differences between these types of loans.

Under these conditions, there are only two:

1. Age from 18 to 75 years old; 2. Work experience must be at least 1 year in general, and a separate requirement for the last job must be at least 6 months.

for obtaining any of these types of loans are standard: a passport with Russian citizenship, registration and any documents that can confirm the work and income of the future borrower. When applying for a loan with a guarantor

This bank can only refuse to provide a loan to unofficially working people and subject to inconsistency with the age period. In all other cases, loans are issued quite often.

From the point of view of an ordinary individual, the credit conditions of this bank are more convenient in cases of receiving any type of income on debit cards of this particular bank. For such people, the interest rate is reduced by about 2% and there is no need to provide documents confirming income. But it is worth noting that in case of late repayment of the loan, the penalty will be 20% per annum from the amount of the overdue payment, regardless of the type of client.

Raiffeisen JSC

At Raiffeisen Bank there are the following

- personal loan (PC); - a loan for payroll clients (LC); - a loan for employees of partner companies of the bank (KPB).

this bank is very different from the usual:

- the age period from 23 to 67 years old; - compulsory citizenship in the Russian Federation; - providing a landline phone number from the place of work; - providing a personal phone number; - the borrower must not be an individual entrepreneur, business owner or lawyer.

The bank's website indicates that a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is required to apply for a loan. But also employees of the organization will be asked to clarify the name of the employer and his address. There is no information on income in the list of mandatory documents, but bank employees will still ask to confirm income for the last 3 months.

One of the advantages of lending in this particular organization is the same attitude towards the bank's customers and the employees of the bank's partners. The list of partners is presented on the website. Also, an advantage can be called a possible reduction in the loan rate for an individual, which had nothing to do with the activities of the bank before, by 5% when insuring a loan. And the penalty for a delay in payment will be only 0.1% of the amount owed.

All of the above banks transfer money received by borrowers to debit cards, but one of the well-known joint-stock companies provides loans to individuals in cash.

Alfa-Bank JSC

Alfa-Bank, like the organizations listed above, provides

- cash loan (KN); - a loan for holders of salary cards (WLC); - a loan for employees of partner companies of the bank (KKPB).

In this organization, in addition to standard documents for applying for a loan, employees will also be asked to provide: a driver's license and a copy of a work book. The last two documents are not mandatory; they can be replaced with any two other documents, for example, a foreign passport, an insurance policy for VHI, an insurance pension certificate, a TIN certificate, a vehicle registration certificate, which is convenient for unemployed people. But a 2-NDFL certificate confirming tax deductions is still needed.

are not similar to the requirements of previously considered organizations.

The age period from which an individual can apply for a loan starts from the age of 21 and has no end. At the same time, there are clear requirements for the level of income (there is a minimum amount for different regions).

similar to JSC Raiffeisen - at least 3 months at the last job. And also the borrower will have to indicate the presence of any telephone from the place of work and be registered in any constituent entity of the Russian Federation, where there is a branch of this bank.

The advantages of this particular bank are the ability to choose the documents provided for lending, the absence of restrictions on the age of the borrower and, like the previous bank, more convenient lending conditions for bank customers and employees of partner organizations. The delay penalty is not large and is similar to JSC Raiffeisen.

The main attention when applying for a loan in all of the above organizations is aimed at the income of the future borrower. It is from this point of view that it is most convenient to use lending services in the bank on whose debit card the salary comes. But if any of the credit conditions are not suitable, then you should pay attention to Raiffeisen Bank. A low percentage even for non-bank customers deserves respect and special attention from future customers. In addition, there are other advantages, but among the well-known organizations in the banking sector, this bank has the most optimal and convenient lending conditions.
