Which Bank Card Is Better

Which Bank Card Is Better
Which Bank Card Is Better

Today, there are more than 100 types of bank cards on the Russian market, so choosing the best option for yourself is quite problematic. In this case, everything will depend on the tasks that you set for yourself.

Which bank card is better
Which bank card is better

Most Russians are issued plastic cards at work or when paying scholarships and pensions, thus they are deprived of the choice of a card. But if you independently determine the best option for yourself, you need to take into account a whole range of criteria. When choosing bank cards, you should pay attention to the following characteristics: type of card (debit or credit), payment system (Visa and MasterCard), class of service and additional options.

Choosing the type of card: debit or credit card

Debit cards allow you to use only your own funds, while credit cards make it possible to borrow money from a bank and go into the red. Debit cards are more suitable for those who do not accept bank loans, have low financial discipline and are prone to spontaneous spending.

The most important criteria for choosing a credit card: the annual interest rate, the size of the credit limit, as well as the presence of a grace period during which you can use borrowed money for free.

You should opt for a credit card if you periodically feel the need for borrowed funds.

Comparing various options for plastic cards, you should pay attention to additional benefits, including:

- the availability of opportunities for remote account management - Internet banking and mobile banking, this will allow you to perform all operations without visiting a bank branch;

- accrual of interest on the balance or the ability to connect online deposits, which will allow not only spending, but also earning on the card;

- availability of cash-back - for these cards, part of the purchases is returned back to the card account; for example, on a Master Card from Svyaznoy bank, 10% is credited to the balance, 1% is returned with bonuses;

- availability of 3D-Secure technology, which makes card payments more secure.

Also today, everyone can choose a card with an additional set of benefits based on their needs - for example, a card with discounts and bonuses for those who like to travel, for motorists, for users of certain telecom operators, etc. By air brand cards when paying for any goods and services to the client miles are credited and can be redeemed for free airline tickets or upgrades.

Choosing a payment system: Visa or MasterCard

The choice of a payment system is relevant only for actively traveling Russians and who intend to pay abroad using bank cards.

If you plan to use the card only on the territory of the Russian Federation, then there is no difference between Visa or MasterCard.

In this case, it should be borne in mind that the currency of the Visa payment system is the dollar, and that of MasterCard is the euro. Thus, it is more profitable to pay with a Visa card in the USA, MasterCard - in Europe. So, when paying with a Visa card in Europe, it initially converts rubles into dollars, and then into euros, which is quite unprofitable.

Choosing a bank card class

Finally, it is worth deciding on the class of service. There are three classes of bank cards: electronic, classic and premium.

Electronic cards (Visa Electron and MasterCard Maestro) differ in the basic set of services, the minimum cost of an annual service (about 300 rubles per year). Such cards are suitable for those who use it for cash withdrawals, as well as purchases at retail outlets. However, on the Internet they will not be able to pay with them. Such cards are often issued as unnamed cards.

Classic cards (Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard) are the most common types of cards with a basic set of functions. They allow you to make payments online and pay for purchases by bank transfer. This card is often issued with a chip, which allows it to be used for purchases abroad.

Premium Gold and Premium cards are status cards with an additional set of privileges, such as discount programs. Among the disadvantages of such cards is the high cost of service.

For those who often make purchases on the Internet, you can also order virtual cards without physical media.
