People who are well versed in finance make decent money buying and selling currencies. That is why the question "Which is more profitable to buy: euros or dollars?" and remains relevant to this day.

Many people who have deposits in various banks often carry out such operations as transferring a deposit from one currency to another, buying dollars and euros, as well as making money on currency devaluation. These three operations with savings are closely related to each other, as in the complex they allow the depositor to earn decent money.
Buying and selling currency
Most often, depositors buy and then sell different currencies. The purpose of such transactions is to increase your capital. Of course, dollars and euros are very popular.
If you want to make money on your capital by buying and selling currency, then you should conduct an analysis of the foreign exchange market. Over the past two to three years, there has been a tendency for the euro to rise in price and a gradual decline in the value of the dollar. If a few years ago financial analysts considered it profitable to buy the dollar, now their opinion has changed dramatically.
In connection with the events in Ukraine, the value of the dollar has begun to gradually decline in recent months. That is why, at this point in time, you should think carefully before buying foreign currency.
First of all, the fall in the value of the dollar and the euro is associated with political factors. The specialists assume that such changes in the foreign exchange market were caused artificially. That is why experts do not advise now to make significant purchases of foreign currency, so as not to lose money.
Which is better to buy: dollars or euros
To date, no financier will give you a specific answer to such a question. Risk investors, of course, can buy both dollars and euros, but no one can give them any guarantees of preserving their contribution. Based on the information of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, today it is more profitable to buy the euro, since this particular currency is much more stable than the dollar.
The euro is a more stable currency than the dollar. This can be judged, if only because it was in the United States that not so long ago there was almost a default.
Currency devaluation
Another profitable operation is making money on currency devaluation. Russian citizens are used to making money on the devaluation of the ruble, but today such transactions can be carried out with the dollar and the euro. You can purchase a significant amount in one currency and then sell it as soon as the rate rises. It should be noted that such a strategy is very risky, since none of the financiers will be able to announce the forecast of changes in the value of the currency, even for the next six months.
If you want to not only save, but also increase your savings, then you should carefully monitor any changes in the foreign exchange market, and also listen to the opinion of analysts. Today you can buy euros and wait until the value of this currency rises.
If you have a dollar deposit, you should consider converting your savings into another currency. It is quite possible that the value of the dollar will continue to decline in the past few months.