You have a need for money, but they simply do not exist? What to do? This insanely popular nowadays word "credit" immediately suggests itself. And with him come all the "for" and "against" such an act. How to proceed? Take it or is it better to try to do it on your own?

Some people are intimidated by loans, and they never dare to contact them. Others, on the other hand, seem to be obsessed with "credit addiction".
The first type of people are people who are very careful, not sociable and shy. Such a person, even if he has the opportunity to take out a loan and repay it with a guarantee before the deadline, he will never take such a step. He is ready for years and even decades to save money for an apartment or a car, just not to get involved with loans.
But the second type is optimists, open and sociable people who are not particularly “worried” about possible risks and problems. "I live now, and tomorrow will come tomorrow, somehow I will pay …" This position is very dangerous. A person runs the risk of making a lot of problems and becoming a chronic debtor.
Both of the above cases are extremes and will not lead to anything good. So what is to be done in this case? When can you still get a loan?
If over the past few years wealth has been growing, even by small steps, then you can easily afford to take out a loan. In this case, you will most likely be able to repay it without much damage. Taking a loan, you deliberately limit your spending. So you must take this step consciously and without regret. Otherwise, you may later regret what you did.
But if your material well-being has recently remained unchanged or even deteriorated, here it is worth thinking hard: "Is it worth it?" Credit is not a panacea for solving money problems. Rather, it is an attempt to move to a higher level of material wealth. And for this you must firmly stand on the previous one. You must have the funds for the essentials: what to eat, what to wear, how to pay for housing, and more.
Many users of loans are worried about the same question: "And if I suddenly cannot repay the loan for one reason or another (for example, if I lose my job), what should I do?" What can be said here? If in the country the economic and political components of life are stable, then you shouldn't worry too much. You are a responsible person and have full awareness of what you are doing. Is that so? This will partly serve as a guarantee that the material income necessary to pay off the loan will find you. It does not matter at all whether you repay the loan in a year, as planned, or in several years. It is only important that your financial well-being is more or less at the same level or even grows.
And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the esoteric point of view on this issue. Watch for signs of destiny. If you apply to banks for a loan, and you are constantly denied, then this is not a very good warning. First refusal, second, third, fourth … Stop … stop, no need to break into a closed door. Most likely, even if you manage to get a loan, you will be disappointed later.
I wish you good luck in all your credit transactions, and even better, such prosperity, in which even a thought will not arise about loans!