How Much Do You Need To Earn For A Decent Life

How Much Do You Need To Earn For A Decent Life
How Much Do You Need To Earn For A Decent Life

How much do you need to earn to live without denying yourself anything? This question is regularly asked by both consumers and researchers. Despite the fact that there is no unambiguous answer to this question, it is still sometimes possible to derive a certain average number that would satisfy the needs of the majority of Russians.

How much do you need to earn for a decent life
How much do you need to earn for a decent life

The concept of "normal" wages is different for each person. Some need money only for the most necessary things - simple food without any special frills, a minimum of clothes and books. Others want a salary of the size that they can afford to go out to restaurants and go on expensive travel. Naturally, the level of the ideal wage directly depends on the region of residence of a person.

What is the ideal salary

According to surveys, the size of the ideal wage in the opinion of Russians for a family of 3 people is about 100,000 rubles. With this money (however, provided that you live in your own apartment) you can afford quite a lot.

Naturally, this parameter can increase for the capital. And this is quite understandable, because life in Moscow and the region is an order of magnitude more expensive than in the periphery.

Despite expectations, only 18% of Russians succeeded in getting a decent salary. The rest continue to dream of what they would spend their imaginary money on, and think about where to work in order to have such income.

Scientists argue that, as a rule, the desired level of income differs from the real one by 1.5 times. However, now this gap may be wider.

What do you mean by "do not deny yourself anything"

Aside from dreams of their own yacht and a house in the Maldives, the Russians want them to just have enough for a few important parameters:

- no debts for public services (telephone, housing and communal services, internet, cable TV, etc.);

- buying food without regard to price tags and no need to purchase food in economy class stores;

- the ability to regularly go to cafes and restaurants, as well as attend entertainment events;

- buying quality things, not cheap fakes;

- purchase of household appliances;

- trips 1-2 times a year on vacation, etc.

In a word, Russians are not particularly original in their desires to somehow arrange their life and make it brighter.

Where do you need to work to get the ideal salary?

Research has shown that you can earn the salary of your dreams by working in banking, sales, oil and gas, and IT.

The highest paying positions are considered to be a Business Development Director, Regional Manager, Sales Representative, Public Relations Manager, Engineer, Mechanic, Freight Forwarder, and Networking Specialist.
