Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bank Calls With A Loan Or Credit Card Offer

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bank Calls With A Loan Or Credit Card Offer
Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bank Calls With A Loan Or Credit Card Offer

Most people have come across at least once calls from a bank where they are offered favorable terms on a loan or credit card. Sure? for some clients, such a call may be timely and help resolve a material issue. But many people want only one thing - to end this conversation quickly.

Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bank Calls With A Loan Or Credit Card Offer
Effective Ways To Get Rid Of Bank Calls With A Loan Or Credit Card Offer

The problem is that you want to end the conversation not only quickly, but also politely. Therefore, usually the client first listens to the operator, and then he says that he is not interested in this offer. The operator is obliged to work out the customer's objections in order for the sale to take place successfully. The client's objections (that is, yours) can be very different:

  • I do not need it
  • I have enough money
  • I have a deposit in your bank, why do I need loan offers
  • I already have a loan (or credit card) from your / another bank
  • I do not work
  • I'm on maternity leave
  • All financial issues are resolved by the spouse and so on.

To all such objections, the specialist has an answer to persuade the client to his side. But the fact is that at such moments a person begins to experience irritation or even anger. Someone starts to say again that he is not interested in all this, someone starts to argue with the operator, everyone reacts in their own way. I would like to note that an operator is a person who simply performs his direct, work duties. And there is absolutely no need to argue with him.

All banks have different requirements for their future borrowers. In one bank, you only need a passport, and in another, several documents. If you want to end this conversation so as not to waste time, there are several ways (regardless of the bank):

  1. It's not you. At the very beginning of the conversation, the operator must make sure that he is talking to the client. Therefore, if you are asked: "Hello, is this Valery Mikhailovich / Lydia Petrovna?", Boldly answer that this is not so. In this case, the specialist will say goodbye to you.
  2. No passport. If you have already listened to the proposal, but it did not interest you, you can say that you have recently lost your passport. In any case, without this document, you will not be able to get a credit card or loan. You will most likely be told that while the offer is valid, you can contact the bank. And the conversation will end.
  3. Don't call me anymore with suggestions. If at the beginning you hear that you have received an offer, then tell them not to call you again with such offers. That is, you make it clear that you are not interested in any offer. Usually the specialist apologizes and says goodbye. But, if the operator tries again, you can already say that you will write a complaint if there are still such calls. No self-respecting bank would want a client to refuse him because of such calls.

Other methods may not be as effective. For example, the fact that you are unemployed. This does not always matter when applying for a credit card, so the conversation can continue. Choose one of three ways to properly end the conversation.
