How To Get Rid Of Calls From The Bank With A Loan And Credit Card Offer

How To Get Rid Of Calls From The Bank With A Loan And Credit Card Offer
How To Get Rid Of Calls From The Bank With A Loan And Credit Card Offer

Calls from a bank offering a loan (or a credit card) are new to some people, while others are already familiar. Very often, such calls are received at the wrong time, repeatedly, and just completely unnecessary.

How to get rid of calls from the bank with a loan and credit card offer
How to get rid of calls from the bank with a loan and credit card offer

It is often difficult for polite people to refuse to talk to bank employees. Even those who can say "no" hear "objection practicing" in response. That is, pre-prepared answers to almost all negative answers. Both categories of people are united by the question: "How to get rid of annoying calls from the bank with a loan and / or credit card offer."

Let's take a look at the most common customer responses (that is, people receiving calls from banks), which they give in the hope of getting rid of annoying employees according to the "customer answer - what will happen" scheme.

  1. No credit needed. The operator will surely say that you probably have some plans, and their offer is very profitable.
  2. I'm busy. The employee will schedule the call for a different time (or date). It is a matter of time before you get a call again.
  3. I'll think about it. The specialist will offer his help to sort out all the details. And in the future he will call you back.
  4. I already have a loan from your bank (or even more than one). You will be offered to take another loan, because you probably have many plans. Or take a new loan to pay off the old one and win in interest rates.
  5. A loan from another bank. They will say that it is much more profitable to take a loan from their bank.

A conversation with bank employees can be ended quickly and politely for several reasons (which they cannot verify). We can say that you:

  1. You don't work.
  2. You are on maternity leave. But this item is only suitable for girls or women.
  3. You have an overdue debt.
  4. Do not have a permanent registration.
  5. It's not you. Employees should not share a loan offer with third parties. If they call Vasily Petrovich, you can say that you do not know such a person. Then you will be kindly said goodbye.

I would like to add that there is no need to answer such calls with rudeness and rudeness. The bank employees are not to blame for anything in front of you - this is their job, the same as everyone else's. Do not spoil anyone's mood.
