The situation on the labor market requires quick orientation in the world of professions, mastering new skills and improving existing ones. For this reason, the popularity of short-term courses is great. The organizer of such a business can lead a profitable and useful project for the society.

It is necessary
- - course programs and other documents for licensing;
- - certificate of registration of a non-state educational institution;
- - premises;
- - development concept;
- - information about possible teachers;
- - secretary and administrator.
Step 1
When starting a business, first of all, study the market. Assess what training courses are already in your area, what services they provide, and at what prices. Answer the questions: how big is the demand for these services and who is their main consumer.
Step 2
Think about what services you can offer potential students. Your courses should be somewhat different from those that already exist. Develop a concept for the educational institution. Even if you intend to teach a standard set of academic disciplines in the most demanded specialties, try to introduce something completely new. Of course, in the future, too, it will be necessary to control changes in the labor market.
Step 3
Choose a legal form of incorporation. The best option is to register training courses as a non-governmental educational institution. This allows you to keep reporting in a simplified form.
Step 4
Pick up a room. It is unlikely that in this case it makes sense to rent a separate building, make repairs, equip with the necessary equipment. Of course, a lot depends on what exactly you are going to teach. But in any case, try to find an educational institution nearby, where there are classes with the necessary equipment. This can be a school, college, or an institution of additional education. As a rule, classes there are occupied for several hours a day, and the school management will gladly rent them out for the rest of the time.
Step 5
Organize a workplace for the secretary and administrator. With a small amount of work, positions can be combined. You can do without a landline phone, but the mobile number must be indicated in all promotional materials. Better to buy a mobile phone from a company.
Step 6
Select teachers and determine the form of payment for them. Time-based wages are preferable, as is usually done in such institutions. It depends on the teachers how successful your endeavor will be. Focus on the recommendations of people you trust. Some employees will have to be recruited from ads.
Step 7
Buy or rent the necessary equipment if there is not enough of it in the premises you have chosen. Order educational literature. Agree with one or more publishers or wholesalers to be able to purchase books and discs as needed.
Step 8
Collect documents to obtain a license. The list can be obtained from the education committee of the local administration. It is also necessary to submit programs there. In addition, there must be documents for the premises, equipment and teachers.
Step 9
Determine a start date for classes. You can open courses from the beginning of the school or calendar year, from the first day of any month, or as the groups are completed. Run an advertising campaign. Advertise in the media, the Employment Center, the city forum, or your local computer network.