You can use an account opened at a branch of Sberbank of Russia via the Internet without leaving your home. The Sberbank OnL @ yn service will allow you to make utility bills, pay telephone and television bills and find out about receipts to your account directly from your computer screen.

Active PC and Internet users can learn more about the services provided by Sberbank on the website But for those who do not know how to use a computer, in the Tyumen region there is a special governor's program "Expanding horizons". It is aimed at increasing the level of computer literacy of the population and the availability of the Internet.
Since 2010, computer classes have been opened in the regional and district centers of the Tyumen region. More than 60,000 people have already completed the courses free of charge, including pensioners and rural residents.
The West Siberian branch of Sberbank of Russia took an active part in the implementation of this program. As part of training in using a computer, Sberbank employees conduct classes on the use of the services "Sberbank Online", "Mobile Bank", "Autopayment".
The length of the free courses depends on the skills of the trainees. Based on this, three stages of training were developed. The first step is for those who do not know how to use a computer, the second step is for confident users. The third stage of training is designed for professional users, at this stage you can learn how to use the Internet bank, electronic government services and other services.
To get to free courses under the “Expanding Horizons” program, residents of the Tyumen region need to sign up with the program administrator by phone - 8 (909) 180-82-26. You can also take training remotely. To do this, you just need to register on the website System of electronic education for citizens of the Tyumen region.
During the year, more than 40,000 residents of the Tomsk Region can study under the Expanding Horizons program. Financing of the cost of training is made at the rate of 1100 rubles per person.