How To Save Money Effectively And Save It: Simple Rules

How To Save Money Effectively And Save It: Simple Rules
How To Save Money Effectively And Save It: Simple Rules

Small money sooner or later grows into big money. It often happens that people simply lose a "trifle" without noticing it, and along with it, amount after amount goes away. With the help of simple tips and rules for saving and keeping money, you can well save and increase your capital.

How to Save Money Effectively and Save It: Simple Rules
How to Save Money Effectively and Save It: Simple Rules

The easy way to quickly save money

Rule 1

For example, you have counted 478 rubles in cash and 1597 rubles on your card.

Next, subtract from these amounts the amount that will zero the number. For example, take 8 rubles from 478 rubles, and 7 rubles from 1597. Thus, the sums with zero at the end will remain.

You can also, if you do not mind, subtract several tens of rubles.

The money that you took away from the amount can be put into a piggy bank if it is cash (if there is no piggy bank, start it, it will also save a lot), or open a savings account in a bank if the funds are in electronic form.

Rule 2

Collect whatever money you have the day before you receive your salary or scholarship. For example, 250 rubles in cash and 740 rubles on the card. Then transfer them to a savings account.

Using these simple and useful rules, you will know how much money you have and easily remember this amount.

Thanks to this method, the ability to control expenses and incomes is greatly simplified. It is also a respect for money.

Where and how not to hide money

1. Bury it in your yard.

First, neighbors may notice you;

Secondly, pets will easily find your savings;

Thirdly, the money will be spoiled by the weather.

2. The classic way is to put it under the mattress.

Be aware that burglars look there almost first.

3. Shop packages.

Even if attackers don't get it into their heads to check your packages, they can take them to put the stolen things there.

4. Old wallets and bags.

The fact of the matter is that they are old. Having "scattered" money in different things, you can forget about them, and then completely throw it away along with the old stuff.

5. Laundry baskets.

First, thieves sometimes use them to transport stolen goods;

And secondly, sweaty and dirty things can give moisture and smell to banknotes. From this they will easily deteriorate and tear, and it will be unpleasant for you yourself to deal with such money.

6. Behind a framed painting or photograph.

For intruders entering your home, such places will be one of the first targets.

7. In safes not fixed to the wall or floor.

If they are of acceptable weight, then there is no doubt that they will be taken with them.

8. In drawers and cabinets.

They, even closed, can be easily opened.

Tips for Cash Caches

  • Wrap the money in a plastic bag, secure and tape it to the bottom of a kitchen cabinet, table or toy box, for example;
  • Place them in a waterproof container and place it on the lowest shelf of your refrigerator or freezer;
  • Hide bills among knitting balls, skeins of thread, colored ribbons, or wrapped with needles;
  • In household appliances that you have as trash. The main thing is that the devices look as if they are about to be thrown away.

Apply all this, and then you will notice that there is enough money for everything!
