The private car is the most popular and widespread means of transportation in our busy world. Unfortunately, keeping a car is not a cheap pleasure. In particular, fuel prices rise rapidly, which is detrimental to your budget, especially when you have to drive every day.

1. Reduce speed
Driving at high speed may be fun and extreme for some, but if your goal is to save on fuel, you better slow down. By reducing the speed by 10 km / h, you reduce fuel consumption by up to 8%, if not by 15 - 16%. In general, driving at maximum speed is dangerous for both you and your passengers, and besides, getting a fine for speeding is also unpleasant.
2. Take care of the tires
Everything in your car is connected and affects each other. So, do not forget to monitor the condition and pressure in the tires, which, moreover, will reduce wear and tear on your car as a whole and reduce fuel consumption. Remember how difficult it is to ride a bike with flat tires? It's the same with your car.
3. Lighter with brakes
Harsh braking is no good. You have to be very careful with the brakes and drive evenly because the jerk control increases wear and fuel consumption. It is very easy to avoid this. Maintain the correct distance between you and the vehicle in front, try to anticipate the movement of other vehicles and, of course, be very attentive to what is happening on the road.
4. Check the air filter
If you thought that replacing the air filter after every oil change was not a necessary procedure, then this is not the case. With a new air filter, you can cut fuel consumption by up to 10%. Check with a professional to know when it's time to change it.
5. Take a straight road
Of course, driving on tight roads can shorten the time to reach your destination, but at the same time it will increase mileage and gas mileage. In our country, not all roads are in perfect condition, but the fact remains that driving on a flat road saves fuel consumption.
6. Make a plan
You know that tomorrow will be a very busy day and you will have to visit many places, so make a plan. Choose a route that is as free of frequent returns as possible and choose roads with less traffic, so you will avoid a stressful trip for yourself and your vehicle.
7. Reduce the load
Your vehicle consumes more fuel when the vehicle is heavily loaded and crowded. Review the things that you have in the cabin and trunk. Surely, you will find many things that are not needed often or not at all, why not leave them at home or in the garage.
8. Stop the engine
Surely, you often had to wait with an unmuffled engine for someone from the store who ran in for purchases "for a minute". You must understand that in such moments, you are wasting fuel. After all, shopping often takes longer than you expect. Turn off the engine and save on gasoline and also reduce air pollution from toxic exhaust.