Why Russians Are In No Hurry To Give Loans

Why Russians Are In No Hurry To Give Loans
Why Russians Are In No Hurry To Give Loans

In recent years, Russians have begun to turn to banks more often for financial assistance. The most popular products are consumer loans, car loans, and mortgages. At the same time, not all borrowers fulfill their debt obligations.

credit payments
credit payments

The Russians have finally recovered from the crisis and decided to live in grand style. In recent years, experts have noted an increase in consumer demand. Citizens spend money not only on basic necessities, but also on luxury goods and prestige. Moreover, they use both honestly accumulated and borrowed funds from the bank.

What figures are given by statistics

Last year, experts from the National Bureau of Credit Histories conducted a study. It turned out that Russians more often took out loans to purchase furniture, appliances, branded clothing and gadgets. Most of all, banking services were used by residents of the Krasnodar Territory. Moscow and the Moscow region became the second in terms of the number of issued loans, and the third place went to the Republic of Tatarstan. During 2017, 15 million consumer loans were issued. The demand for credit cards has also grown - by about 50%.

credit cards
credit cards

Last year, Russians applied to banks for loans to buy a car. In total, more than 700,000 new cars were purchased. Mortgage loans have also become more frequent. In 2017, Russians borrowed 1.7 trillion rubles from banks to buy housing.

Experts from the NBKI and the Avtostat analytical agency believe that the demand for lending has increased due to the stabilization of the economy. An important factor was the decrease in interest rates, the implementation of credit programs for certain categories of the population, which are subsidized by the state.

Is it worth taking loans

Unfortunately, many Russians are in no hurry to repay debts to banks and microcredit organizations. Citizens are reluctant to pay off debts, often pushing matters to extremes. Some even apply to banks and MFIs for another loan to return the old loan.

loan processing
loan processing

Experts argue that Russians are living beyond their means. Over the past two years, the number of borrowers with more than two loans has increased dramatically. According to rough statistics, the number of problem clients of banks approached the mark of 10 million people.

Bank employees do not recommend borrowing money if there are doubts about the timely return of funds. Delays on a loan not only spoil the credit history, but also impose a ban on leaving the country. In addition, you will have to deal with the bank in court. The creditor has the right not only to claim the amount of the debt, but also to pay the penalty. Its size will depend on the duration of the delay.

loan repayment
loan repayment

If the borrower is unable to return the money to the bank on time, it is worth considering the option of refinancing or debt restructuring. In this case, you will have to overpay, but your credit history will be fine.
