The maternity capital program aimed at supporting the birth rate in Russia will continue in 2015. It has gained great popularity among Russians; more than 5 million families have already benefited from state support. The cost of certificates this year will be indexed in relation to 2014.

Indexation of maternity capital in 2015
In 2015, the size of maternity capital will be revised upwards. The budget provides for an increase in mother capital by 5.5%. As a result, the size of the family capital will reach 453,026 rubles. (in 2014 it was 429,408.5 rubles.) Thus, during its operation, the maternity capital has grown by more than 200 thousand rubles. from 250 thousand rubles in 2007.
This is probably the last significant indexing. It is expected that in 2016-2017 it will be about 4%.
Where can you spend maternity capital in 2015
In 2015, the areas of use of maternity capital will not change - this is the improvement of housing conditions (repayment of mortgage loans, purchase of own housing or individual housing construction); education of children or an increase in the future pension of parents.
What innovations should be expected from 2015? In the near future, the deputies will consider the possibility of spending maternity capital on the purchase of a car. It is assumed that this step should support domestic automakers in difficult times. Many were pleased with this news - after all, to buy an apartment, 400 thousand rubles. obviously not enough, but just enough for a car. Moreover, on your own car there will always be an opportunity to earn extra money in a taxi.
It is also expected that the capital can be spent on the treatment of seriously ill children.
There is also a bill that involves an increase in maternity capital to 1.5 million rubles. True, only families in which a third child is born can count on the increased size of the certificate.
Duration of the maternity capital program
So far, the final deadline for obtaining maternity capital is December 31, 2016. This refers to the right to receive maternity capital, not the ability to use it. You can spend the certificate even after the beginning of 2017.
Will the maternity capital program be extended until 2026, as discussed in the government? This decision has not yet been made. Supporters of the extension of the program's duration point to its high efficiency, which was reflected in the increase in the birth rate. Opponents point to the need for budgetary savings in a crisis situation, as well as the impossibility of solving the demographic problem only by financial injections.
There are also opinions that the program should be abandoned, but that the range of families to which it is directed should be limited. In particular, to issue maternity capital only to families with an income below the average level.