Sberbank is the undisputed leader among financial and credit institutions in Russia. Every day thousands of clients across the country use its services. To improve the quality of service, the bank has developed an efficient and versatile feedback system. It is designed to assist clients in resolving disputes, handling complaints and claims.

Common causes of claims
Both human and technical factors equally often lead to malfunctions in the banking system. However, customers who have been rude to an employee of Sberbank or ruined an ATM card are not at all obliged to silently endure the inconveniences. After all, they pay money for their service, which means they have the right to count on quality services. To convey your dissatisfaction to the management of a credit institution, the easiest way is to write a claim to Sberbank. Among the common reasons for appeals and complaints are:
- dissatisfaction with the work of bank employees (rudeness, withholding important information, imposing services);
- technical failures that caused damage to the client (damage to the card by an ATM, loss of funds, unjustified blocking of the card);
- writing off payments and connecting services to which the client did not give consent;
- illegal claims specified in the loan agreement;
- delay in payments made by the user, or exceeding the declared period of crediting money.
Drawing up a written claim
Having decided to apply to Sberbank with a claim, a citizen must, first of all, choose the way in which it is more convenient for him to convey his requirements to the management of the credit institution. One of the most effective forms of appeal is considered to be the personal delivery of a written claim.
To do this, you must come to the head office or the branch where the disputable situation occurred, and transfer one of the two copies of the claim to the administrator or another employee. Naturally, the client leaves the second copy for himself, and on both documents the bank employee puts the date of reception and a stamp with the incoming number.
Where do you start making a claim? In the upper right corner of the sheet (usually A4 format is used), you must indicate the address of the Sberbank division, its full name and the surname of the manager. Next, it is important to provide your data: full name, address and contact phone number to inform about the decision. The name of the document with a capital letter is indicated in the center of the sheet: "Claim" or "Complaint".
Now you need to clearly and clearly state the reasons for the appeal. Be sure to indicate the time, place, circumstances of the situation that has arisen, the name of the employee or employee who conducted the service. Also focus on where and how the violation of the client's rights occurred. It is advisable to support this moment with references to regulatory legal acts.
In the next part of the claim, you can move on to the claims put forward to the bank. The applicant must indicate what action he expects in response to his complaint, establish an acceptable time frame for eliminating violations. It will not be superfluous to separately demand that the results of the consideration of the claim be brought to your attention.
If there is evidence of a committed violation, it must be attached to the text of the claim. This can be a copy of the contract, testimony, video or voice recording. The text of the claim should indicate the type and form of the attached evidence. At the end of the document, the date, signature and its decryption are put.
In serious situations, it may be best to seek legal assistance to file a claim. If it is not possible to personally take the document to the Sberbank office, it can be sent by registered mail, accompanied by a delivery receipt and a list of attachments.
Terms of consideration and other methods of filing claims
On average, 10-15 business days are given for the consideration of the claim. In some cases requiring additional checks, the decision will have to wait up to 45 days. It is important to remember that the countdown starts from the moment the document is received and registered by an employee of a financial institution. If the decision on the claim is delayed for more than 15 days, the bank is obliged to notify the client about this.

Judging by the reviews, personal filing with a complaint to Sberbank works most efficiently and quickly. However, the bank's feedback system also involves remote filing of complaints. On the official website of Sberbank, select the "Support" section, then "Feedback". A window will be loaded, which indicates the purpose and reason for the request.
In a special field, you must insert the text of the claim, there is a button for attaching additional files (evidence). The personal data and the desired method of notification of the results are indicated below. Each appeal is automatically assigned a number by which you can track the progress of its consideration.

You can also submit a remote complaint through the Sberbank online service. In the lower right corner of the user's personal account there is a section “Letter to the bank”. Following a simple template, the user can make his claim.
True, many clients of Sberbank note that these methods are unreliable, since electronic documents are often lost. Filing a claim in the Sberbank Online mobile application is also not very convenient, since you will have to collect a large amount of information on the smartphone screen or through voice input.
A good alternative to a personal visit to Sberbank would be to call the contact center at 900 or + 7-495-500-55-50. In the process of communicating with an employee, you can state the essence of the complaint, only it is better to prepare for the conversation in advance, write an approximate plan or text. In addition, an employee of Sberbank himself will clarify all the necessary information, inform about the terms of consideration of the appeal.