If a client of Sberbank is not satisfied with the quality of service or there are some problems that cannot be solved with the company's management, you can complain to a higher organization. Complaints are reviewed by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and other supervisory authorities.

How to complain about Sberbank to the Central Bank
There are more than 500 credit institutions in Russia, but Sberbank occupies a leading position in this list. The management of the organization does a lot to improve the quality of service every year. But problems still arise. When bank employees are rude, queues drag on for a long time, issues that arise cannot be resolved on the spot, a well-written complaint can discipline employees and resolve a conflict. In some cases, appeal to higher authorities is simply necessary. This allows you to avoid repeating situations in the future, to achieve the desired result and, in general, to improve the quality of service.

If a problem arises, you first need to try to solve it through the heads of the division, the head office of Sberbank. You can call the hotline or contact the Ombudsman Service. This structure reports directly to the President of Sberbank. When the problem cannot be solved, you need to contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. This organization controls the activities of Sberbank.
A claim to the Central Bank is an official document to which a written response must be sent to the applicant within the time limits established by the Federal Law "On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation".
There is no single form for filing a complaint, but when writing it, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- in the upper right corner, you need to indicate to whom the appeal is sent and to what mailing address, and below indicate your last name, first name and patronymic, telephone number and home address;
- when drawing up a complaint, it is worthwhile to describe the problem as succinctly and accurately as possible, indicating the name of the bank department to which the client contacted, the address of the department;
- if the complaint is related to the incorrect behavior of the employee, you must indicate his last name, first name, patronymic, as well as the position he occupies;
- the complaint should indicate which rights of the client were violated and formulate their requirements (bring employees to justice, compensate for material or moral damage);
- if the client has already applied to the management of Sberbank in writing, you need to attach appeals and official responses from the bank's representatives.
A complaint can be submitted to any territorial branch of the Central Bank. To do this, you need to drive up to the bank in person and register the appeal. The application can be sent by mail to any branch or head office of the Central Bank. But in this case, the terms of consideration of the application will be shifted. You can quickly write a complaint on the Central Bank website. In the "Internet Reception" tab, there is a "Complaint" window. Having opened it, you need to find a suitable topic for the appeal and write a letter in a summary form. It is advisable to upload files to the site with documents on hand.
When submitting an application, it is necessary to clarify in what form the client wishes to receive a response to his request. The answer can be sent by mail or e-mail.
In what cases it is not worth contacting the Central Bank
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation has the ability to control only the financial and economic activities of Sberbank and other credit institutions. If the client is faced with a violation of the law, he should contact the law enforcement or supervisory authorities:
- to the police (if money was illegally withdrawn from accounts, personal data was disclosed, the client became a victim of fraud);
- to Rospotrebnadzor (in case of unsatisfactory quality of service);
- in the FAS Russia (when the client is misled about the real cost of loans, the imposition of services).

If it was not possible to resolve the issues after contacting the above organizations, you can write a statement to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation or to the court.