If a client is dissatisfied with the quality of service at Sberbank and he has complaints against a specific employee of this organization, he can draw up a written complaint to the name of the head of the department or leave an electronic application. In some cases, you have to complain to higher authorities.

Where to complain about a Sberbank employee
Sberbank is the largest credit institution in the Russian Federation. He offers his clients a wide range of services. Most of the bank's visitors are satisfied with the quality of service. The management of the company makes great efforts to ensure that it only improves over the years. Employees regularly attend trainings and seminars. But the human factor still cannot be ignored. Sometimes bank visitors complain about the rudeness of the organization's employees, their insufficiently high qualifications, the imposition of unnecessary services. Claims are not always fair, but it is necessary to understand situations, as this allows the management to correct shortcomings in the work.

If a client contacted the bank and was dissatisfied with the actions of a particular employee, he has the opportunity to write a few lines in the "Book of Reviews and Suggestions", but it will be more effective to contact the head of the Sberbank department or the office manager. Most often, all misunderstandings can be resolved already at this stage. You can contact the head office of Sberbank in your city. It is better to make an appointment with the manager in advance so as not to waste time in queues.
You can complain about a Sberbank employee using one of the phones presented on the organization's website:
- to number 900 (free call within Russia);
- to the number +7 495 500-55-50 (you can call from anywhere in the world, but at the rates established by telecom operators);
- from the Sberbank Online mobile application (the Internet call is free, but if the phone is connected to WI-FI, you will have to pay for the call at the operator's rates).
You can also write a complaint about an employee on the official website of Sberbank, where there is a "Feedback with the bank" tab. Following it, you need to formulate the purpose of the appeal. Select the "Service" block as the reason for contacting. The client must be sure to provide contact information to receive a response. It is also worth specifying the method of receiving a reply letter (by mail, electronically or by means of SMS messages.
The mobile version of Sberbank Online has a "Dialogues" tab. By going to this page, you can write an appeal. Sberbank Online also has a link "Letter to the bank". The window is located at the very bottom of the main page.
The client can complain about the actions of a bank employee to the Ombudsman Service. She reports directly to the head of the bank and considers controversial issues. If all the above measures do not help, but the problem is really serious, you can contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It should be borne in mind that in such cases you have to wait a very long time for an answer. Each complaint is reviewed by several specialists. A lot of time is spent on approval.
What to look for when filing a complaint
To get the desired response and achieve a solution to the problem, a complaint against a Sberbank employee should be filed correctly. There is no single application form, but when writing it, you need to pay attention to the following points:
- indicate the last name, first name, patronymic and position of the person to whom the applicant applies, as well as indicate his data, contact phone number, address;
- describe your problem, indicate which rights were violated in the process of communicating with a bank employee, which did not suit the client;
- indicate the number of the Sberbank branch in which the incident occurred, the address of the bank;
- indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the bank employee, his position.
It should be noted that the management of Sberbank can only apply disciplinary measures to an employee. If we are talking about fraud, insult or other actions that violate the norms of current legislation, the client has the right to file a complaint with law enforcement agencies.