If the client is not satisfied with the quality of service at Sberbank, he has the opportunity to write a complaint to the head of the department or call the hotline. In particularly difficult cases, you can even complain to the Central Bank.

Where to complain about the service at Sberbank
Sberbank is the largest universal bank in Russia, Central and Eastern Europe. He provides his clients with a wide variety of services. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation controls the work of Sberbank.
Sberbank's clients are not always satisfied with the quality of service. Despite the fact that the company's management has been doing a lot lately to eliminate the shortcomings, complaints are still received. Clients are often not satisfied with the speed of service or the unprofessional behavior of the employees. To settle these issues, you can always turn to managers or consultants.
If a person came to the Sberbank office and was dissatisfied with the service, the simplest thing that can be done in this situation is to display the claims in the "Book of Reviews and Suggestions". You can contact the head of the department or a person replacing him. In most cases, the problem can be solved already at this stage. Clients also have the opportunity to assess the quality of service right during the conversation with a specialist by clicking the appropriate button on a small electronic board.
If the problem cannot be resolved, you can contact the main office of your city. It is better to visit the head office of Sberbank in person by making an appointment with the manager in advance.

Recently, many clients prefer to make all the necessary operations through Sberbank Online or the bank's official website. If you have difficulties with electronic transactions, telephone service, you do not need to go to the nearest branch of Sberbank. The official website of the bank has a page "Feedback". You need to open this tab, clearly formulate the purpose of the appeal. Select the "Service" subsection as the reason for contacting. In the main field, it is necessary to state the essence of the problem, indicating in detail with which department of the bank the problems arose. As much detail as possible should be provided. This will help professionals better understand the situation. If the text is too long, you can arrange it in a separate document and attach this file.
When writing a complaint, you must specify the data for feedback. The answer can come by email or SMS. The site has the ability to control the status of the appeal, which is very convenient for applicants.
You can also send a complaint through Sberbank Online. At the bottom of the main page there is a "Letter to the bank" window. The client can open it and write a free-form letter. For mobile applications, there is a "Dialogues" window, through which you can also send a complaint about the quality of service.
To understand the situation, you can simply call the operator at the phone numbers indicated on the website:
- by number 900 free of charge from anywhere in Russia;
- by number +7 495 500-55-50 from anywhere in the world at the rates of your mobile operator.
When the client is not satisfied with the answers of the bank employees, he can contact the Ombudsman Service. There is a tab with this name on the bank's website. By clicking on the link, you can write an email. The Ombudsman Service is an independent unit that reports directly to German Gref. It is through her that many difficult issues can be resolved.
If Sberbank cannot solve the problem
If the client tried to solve the problem in the higher branches of Sberbank or by calling the hotline, through the Ombudsman, but nothing happened and the complaint was rejected, or the answer was not satisfactory, you can try to contact the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. It is most convenient to do this remotely. The Central Bank's website has a section "Internet reception". You need to open the appropriate tab and upload a document or write a complaint in the proposed window.
You can also send an appeal through the post office. Consideration of an appeal can take a fairly large amount of time, since the employees of the Central Bank often involve other specialists in resolving the issue. The complainant can receive an answer to the complaint by e-mail or by mail.