Bank dispatch is an official notification that can be sent to partners, customers, employees of branches or divisions. There is no unified dispatch form.

Bank dispatch - an urgent notification of a commercial transaction. The term "advice note" is more often used, which means a way of delivering information to customers, other participants with whom the bank is in commercial relations. Such a message can be delivered using a courier, mail, Internet messengers.
Financial institutions often use a bank mail to report:
- debit and credit records on current accounts;
- balances of own or borrowed funds;
- opening letters of credit and other news.
Such notifications often require a response. Therefore, the advice note is divided into direct and reverse. The first involves the delivery of information, the second - the answer. The return notification means that the recipient has reviewed the information provided and prepared a response. At the same time, the opposite view does not always imply that a positive decision was made. It simply states the fact that the information has been taken into account.
A bank dispatch of the opposite type may also contain proposals, for example, to revise the terms of the agreement. In some cases, an additional agreement is drawn up indicating the disputed points. If the parties come to an agreement, the notification becomes agreed. It requires an official response.
Features of using a bank dispatch
The document is always drawn up in writing, more often sent by mail. Bank dispatch is found not only in the banking sector, but also in business and accounting. It provides one of two options:
- interaction of two counterparties;
- interaction of structural divisions of one bank.
In the first case, it is supposed to notify customers about the amounts, account changes. If several parties are involved in the transaction, then a direct advice note is issued, in which a response notification is requested.
When the departments interact, the document is represented by a reference. With its help, divisions, branches, departments exchange information.
Bank dispatch form and filling
There is no unified document form. Banks develop their own forms, relying on their information content and convenience. Such documents prescribe
- Document Number;
- Date of operation;
- the nature of the transaction;
- amount;
- Account number.
The method of transfer is established by correspondent or interbank agreements. Within their framework, it is possible to carry out correspondence between enterprises.
In conclusion, we note that the most popular is the credit dispatch. It is the basis in an agreement concluded between several financial parties. Thanks to this form, the consumer can cash the check at a branch or with another bank. In that case, the advice note must contain a sample of the client's signature, a sample of the seal imprint.