The list of documents required for obtaining a loan from a bank is about the same everywhere and most often it includes a certificate of income, in the form of 2-NDFL or in the form of a bank. Obtaining a document confirming earnings takes time, and in some cases it is completely impossible. For example, if you receive what is called an envelope salary. Is it possible to get a coveted car loan without a certificate of income?

Step 1
Participant of a salary project. This step is for those who still have an official salary and receive it to an account in one of the banks. If the company where you work has entered into an agreement with the bank, each employee automatically becomes their corporate client and has the opportunity to receive a loan on special conditions, including without a certificate of income. bank and organization. If there is no such agreement, and you opened a bank account yourself, this will not give you any advantages when applying for a loan.
Step 2
Indirect signs of your income. In our country, more and more people have a significantly higher income than it is written in official papers, and more and more banks are ready to meet these people. Indirect evidence of your wealth is taken into account. For example, a passport showing recent trips, expensive property purchased by you and preferably not very long ago, the presence of cash deposits, an MBA, etc.
Step 3
Special programs of banks. Today, less and less, but still there are credit programs that provide for a minimum of formalities, namely the absence of the need to submit a certificate of income. Here banks again pay attention to indirect signs of solvency; the borrower's credit history is also of great importance for the decision. Naturally, the issuance of a car loan without a certificate of income for the bank is accompanied by increased risks. In order to somehow compensate for this, the bank has to put some restrictions not in favor of the borrower. Limitations may relate to the maximum loan amount, the list of lent cars, the amount of the down payment and, of course, the interest rate, which becomes higher and, as a rule, significantly.