If for some reason you decide to sell a car bought on credit and pay off your debt to the bank, you can return part of the funds paid for the insurance policy.

Step 1
Study the documents issued to you by the insurance organization or its representative when concluding a car insurance contract for a car purchased on credit. Typically, these include an insurance policy and vehicle insurance regulations. Find in the rules the clause on early termination of the insurance contract. It indicates in what time frame the policyholder (that is, you) is obliged to notify the insurance company about the desire to terminate the relationship.
Step 2
Find the insurance rules on the website of the company that issued your CASCO policy, if for some reason this document was not provided to you. You can find the name of the company on the insurance policy.
Step 3
Call the insurance company, contact numbers must be indicated on the policy, you can also find them on the website. Tell the employee of the auto insurance department that you want to terminate the concluded contract. Since your car was purchased on credit, the employee may inquire about the reasons that prompted you to refuse the services of the insurance organization. In this case, you will have to explain that you are selling a car. Another reason for the termination of the contract may be total damage caused by a non-insured event. The employee will tell you how you will proceed to collect a portion of your unspent premiums.
Step 4
Visit the office of the insurance company at the agreed time. Write a statement of your desire to terminate the contract. If necessary, provide copies of documents confirming that you are no longer related to the insurance object. In the application, indicate in what way you want to receive the insurance premium - in cash or by money transfer to a bank card.
Step 5
Keep in mind that upon termination of the contract, for example, after six months of validity, you will receive an amount that is less than half of the paid insurance premium. This is reflected in the insurance rules.